(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the
Filed by a Party other than the
Check the appropriate box:
o Preliminary
Proxy Statement
o Confidential,
for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
þ Definitive
Proxy Statement
o Definitive
Additional Materials
o Soliciting
Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12
(Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ No fee required.
o Fee computed on table
below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
(1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction
(2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on
which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was
determined): |
(4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
(5) Total fee paid:
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for
which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the
previous filing by registration statement number, or the form or
schedule and the date of its filing. |
(1) Amount previously paid:
(2) Form, schedule or registration statement no.:
(3) Filing party:
(4) Date filed:
Two Democracy Center
6903 Rockledge Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
March 18,
Dear Shareholder:
You are cordially invited to attend our annual meeting of
shareholders to be held on Thursday, April 29, 2010, at
10:00 a.m., Eastern Time, at the Marriott Bethesda North
Hotel and Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Road, North
Bethesda, Maryland.
Matters scheduled for consideration at this meeting are
(1) the election of nine directors and (2) the
ratification of the appointment of the Companys
independent auditors. The meeting will also provide an
opportunity to review with you USECs business during the
year ended December 31, 2009.
Your vote is important no matter how many shares you own. We
encourage you to vote your shares today. You may vote by
completing and returning the enclosed proxy card in the
postage-paid envelope provided or by using telephone or Internet
voting systems. If you do attend the meeting and desire to vote
in person, you may do so even though you have previously
submitted your proxy.
We appreciate your continued confidence in the Company and look
forward to seeing you at the annual meeting.
James R. Mellor
John K. Welch
Chairman of the Board
President and Chief Executive Officer
Two Democracy Center
6903 Rockledge Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
To Be Held April 29,
The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of USEC Inc. will be held on
Thursday, April 29, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time,
at the Marriott Bethesda North Hotel and Conference Center, 5701
Marinelli Road, North Bethesda, Maryland, for the purpose of
considering and voting upon:
1. The election of nine directors for a term of one year;
2. The ratification of the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as USECs independent auditors
for 2010; and
3. Such other business as may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournments thereof.
We are enclosing a copy of the Companys Annual Report for
the year ended December 31, 2009 with this Notice and Proxy
The record date for determining shareholders entitled to notice
of, and to vote at, the meeting was the close of business on
March 4, 2010. Please complete and return the enclosed
proxy card in the postage-paid envelope provided at your
earliest convenience, or use telephone or Internet voting
systems to vote your shares.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Peter B. Saba
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Bethesda, Maryland
March 18, 2010
Two Democracy Center
6903 Rockledge Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials
for the Shareholder Meeting to Be Held on April 29,
proxy statement and our Annual Report for
the year ended December 31, 2009 are available at
We are providing these proxy materials in connection with the
solicitation by the Board of Directors of USEC Inc. of proxies
to be voted at USEC Inc.s (USEC, the
Company, we, us, or
our) 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The
meeting will be held at the Marriott Bethesda North Hotel and
Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda,
Maryland, on April 29, 2010, beginning at 10:00 a.m.,
Eastern Time. The proxies also may be voted at any adjournments
or postponements of the meeting.
This Proxy Statement, proxy card and our Annual Report for the
year ended December 31, 2009 are being mailed starting on
approximately March 19, 2010.
Who may
vote at the meeting?
The Board set March 4, 2010 as the record date for the
meeting. If you were the owner of USEC Inc. common stock at the
close of business on March 4, 2010, you may vote at the
meeting. You are entitled to one vote for each share of common
stock you held on the record date, including shares:
held directly in your name with our transfer agent, BNY Mellon
Shareowner Services, as a shareholder of record;
held for you in an account with a broker, bank or other nominee
(shares held in street name for a beneficial
owner); and
held for you under a USEC employee stock ownership plan with our
plan administrator, BNY Mellon Shareowner Services, or under the
USEC 401(k) plan with our plan administrator, Fidelity (each a
USEC stock ownership plan).
How many
shares must be present to hold the meeting?
A majority of USECs outstanding shares of common stock as
of the record date, March 4, 2010, must be present at the
meeting in order to hold the meeting and conduct business. This
is called a quorum. On the record date, there were
112,330,384 shares of USEC common stock outstanding, each
entitled to one vote. Your shares are counted as present at the
meeting if you:
are present and vote in person at the meeting; or
have properly submitted a proxy card or voting instructions
prior to the meeting.
Abstentions and broker non-votes are counted as
present and entitled to vote for purposes of determining a
quorum. A broker non-vote occurs when a bank, broker
or nominee holding shares for a beneficial owner does not vote
on a particular matter because it does not have discretionary
voting power for that particular matter and has not received
voting instructions from the beneficial owner. If you are a
beneficial owner, your bank, broker or other nominee is
permitted to vote your shares on the ratification of the
appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent
auditors even if the nominee does not receive voting
instructions from you, as this matter is deemed to be routine in
nature. Your broker does not have discretionary voting power
with respect to the election of directors as this matter is
deemed to be non-routine.
How do I
vote my shares?
You may vote using any of the following methods:
If you are a shareholder of record or hold shares through a USEC
stock ownership plan, be sure to complete, sign and date the
proxy card accompanying this Proxy Statement and return it in
the prepaid envelope. You should sign your name exactly as it
appears on the proxy card. If you are signing in a
representative capacity (for example as guardian, executor,
trustee, custodian, attorney or officer of a corporation), you
should indicate your name and title or capacity. If you are a
shareholder of record and you return your signed proxy card but
do not indicate your voting preferences, the persons named as
proxies in the proxy card will vote the shares represented by
that proxy as recommended by the Board of Directors.
If you are a beneficial owner whose shares are held of record by
a bank, broker or other nominee, be sure to complete, sign and
return the voting instruction card received from your nominee.
Telephone or on the Internet
The telephone and Internet voting procedures established by USEC
for shareholders of record are designed to authenticate your
identity, allow you to give your voting instructions and confirm
that those instructions have been properly recorded.
You can vote by calling the toll-free telephone number on your
proxy card and following the voice prompts that you hear during
the call. By following the voice prompts, you may vote your
shares and confirm that your instructions have been properly
The website for Internet voting is
As with telephone voting, you can confirm that your instructions
have been properly recorded.
Telephone and Internet voting facilities for shareholders of
record will be available 24 hours a day. Proxies submitted
by telephone or the Internet must be received by
10:00 a.m. Eastern Time on April 29, 2010.
The availability of telephone and Internet voting for beneficial
owners will depend on the voting processes of your broker, bank
or other nominee. Therefore, we recommend that you follow the
voting instructions in the materials you receive.
If you vote by telephone or on the Internet, you should not
separately return your proxy card or voting instruction card.
Person at the Annual Meeting
Even if you plan to attend the meeting, we encourage you to vote
by completing, signing, dating, and returning the enclosed proxy
card or by voting using the Internet or telephone so your vote
will be counted if you later decide not to attend the meeting.
If you decide to change your vote at the meeting, you may do so
by voting in person at the meeting. If you choose to vote at the
Annual Meeting:
If you are a shareholder of record, you may vote by the ballot
provided at the meeting.
If you hold your shares in street name, you must
obtain and bring with you to the Annual Meeting a legal proxy
from your bank, broker, nominee or other holder of record in
order to vote by ballot at the meeting.
If you hold your shares through a USEC stock ownership plan, you
cannot vote in person at the Annual Meeting. Please vote by
signing and dating your proxy card and mailing it in the
postage-paid envelope provided or by using the Internet or
What are
my voting choices when voting for director nominees
(Item 1) and what vote is needed to elect
In the vote on the election of nine directors to serve until the
2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, shareholders may:
vote FOR all nominees;
WITHHOLD votes as to all nominees; or
WITHHOLD votes as to one or more specific nominees.
Directors will be elected by a plurality of the votes cast. This
means that the nine nominees who receive the largest number of
FOR votes cast will be elected as directors. If you
WITHHOLD authority to vote with respect to any
director nominee, your shares will be counted for purposes of
establishing a quorum, but will have no effect on the election
of that nominee.
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR
each of the director nominees.
What are
my voting choices when voting on the ratification of the
appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Companys
independent auditors (Item 2), and what vote is needed to
ratify their appointment?
In the vote on the ratification of the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent auditors for 2010,
shareholders may:
vote FOR the ratification;
vote AGAINST the ratification; or
ABSTAIN from voting on the ratification.
The ratification of the appointment of the independent auditors
requires the FOR vote of a majority of the shares
present in person or by proxy at the meeting and entitled to
vote on that proposal. Abstentions will have the same effect as
a vote AGAINST the ratification of the appointment
of the independent auditors.
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR
the ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP as independent auditors.
What if I
do not specify a choice for a matter when returning a
Shareholders should specify their choice for each matter on the
enclosed proxy card. If you just sign and submit your proxy card
without marking your vote, your shares will be voted:
Item 1: FOR each director nominee; and
Item 2: FOR the ratification of the appointment
of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as USECs independent
auditors for 2010.
May I
revoke my proxy and change my vote?
You may revoke your proxy at any time before it is voted at the
meeting by:
submitting a properly executed proxy card with a later date,
which proxy card is received prior to the date of the Annual
delivering to the Secretary of USEC, prior to the date of the
Annual Meeting, a written notice of revocation bearing a later
date than the proxy; or
voting in person at the Annual Meeting.
How are
proxies solicited and what is the cost?
We have hired Morrow & Co., LLC, located at
470 West Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902, to assist us in
soliciting proxies from banks, brokers, and nominees and we will
pay Morrow & Co., LLC a fee of approximately $8,500,
plus expenses, for these services. We will reimburse banks,
brokerage houses, and other institutions, custodians, nominees,
and fiduciaries for reasonable expenses in forwarding proxy
material to their principals.
Our directors, officers, and employees may also solicit proxies
by mail,
telephone or personal contact. They will not receive additional
compensation for these activities.
What is
If you and other residents at your mailing address own shares of
USEC stock in street name, your broker or bank or
other nominee may have notified you that your household will
receive only one annual report, proxy statement and Notice of
Internet Availability of Proxy Materials for each company in
which you hold stock through that broker or bank or other
nominee. This practice is known as householding.
Unless you responded that you did not want to participate in
householding, you were deemed to have consented to
the process. Your broker or bank or other nominee will send one
copy of our annual report, proxy statement and Notice of
Internet Availability of Proxy Materials to your address. Each
shareholder will continue to receive a separate proxy card or
voting instruction card.
If you would like to receive your own set of USECs future
annual report, proxy statement and Notice of Internet
Availability of Proxy Materials or if you share an address with
another USEC shareholder and together both of you would like to
receive only a single set of USEC annual disclosure documents,
please contact Broadridge Financial Solutions, Householding
Department, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, New York 11717 or call
them at
(800) 542-1061.
Be sure to indicate your name, the name of your brokerage firm
or bank or other nominee, and your account number. Any
revocation of your consent to householding will be effective
30 days following its receipt.
If you did not receive an individual copy of this years
proxy statement, our annual report, or the Notice of Internet
Availability of Proxy Materials, we will promptly send a copy to
you if you address a written request to USEC Inc., Two Democracy
Center, 6903 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, Maryland 20817,
Attention: Investor Relations or call
(301) 564-3354.
On the nomination of our Board of Directors, James R. Mellor,
Michael H. Armacost, Joyce F. Brown, Joseph T. Doyle, H. William
Habermeyer, John R. Hall, William J. Madia, W. Henson Moore, and
John K. Welch will stand for re-election at the meeting, each to
hold office until the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders and
until his or her successor is elected and qualified. Each of the
nominees presently is a member of our Board.
Unless otherwise directed, shares represented by proxies
solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors will be voted for
the nominees listed below. All nominees have consented to serve
if elected, but if any nominee becomes unavailable to serve, the
persons named as proxies may exercise their discretion to vote
for a substitute nominee.
The principal occupations of and certain other information about
the nominees are set forth on the following pages.
The Board
recommends a vote FOR the election of these nominees as
James R. Mellor
Director since 1998
Age 79
Mr. Mellor retired in 1997 as Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of General Dynamics Corporation, a company engaged in
shipbuilding and marine systems, land and amphibious combat
systems, information systems, and business aviation businesses,
a position he held since 1994. Prior to assuming that position,
Mr. Mellor was President and Chief Executive Officer from 1993
to 1994 and was previously President and Chief Operating Officer
of General Dynamics. Mr. Mellor served as interim President and
Chief Executive Officer of the Company from December 2004 to
October 2005. Mr. Mellor also serves on the Board of Trustees of
the Scripps Research Institute. Mr. Mellor previously served on
the Board of Directors of AmerisourceBergen Corporation,
Computer Sciences Corporation, Net2Phone, Inc. and IDT
In recommending the re-election of Mr. Mellor, the Board considered the following key competencies: USEC leadership as current Chairman and formerly as interim CEO; CEO experience; government contracting experience; and public company board experience. Mr. Mellor has served as USECs chairman since USECs privatization in 1998.
Michael H. Armacost
Director since 2002
Age 72
Mr. Armacost is a Walter H. Shorenstein distinguished fellow and
visiting professor in the Asia/Pacific Research Center at
Stanford University. Mr. Armacost served as President and a
Trustee of The Brookings Institution from 1995 to 2002. He
served as Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs from
1984 to 1989, as U.S. Ambassador to Japan from 1989 to 1993 and
to the Philippines from 1982 to 1984. Mr. Armacost also serves
on the Board of Directors of AFLAC Inc. Mr. Armacost previously
served on the Board of Directors of Applied Materials Inc. and
Cargill, Incorporated.
In recommending the re-election of Mr. Armacost, the Board considered the following key competencies: government and public policy experience; international experience; and public company board experience.
Joyce F. Brown
Director since 1998
Age 63
Dr. Brown is the President of the Fashion Institute of
Technology of the State University of New York, a position she
has held since 1998. From 1994 to 1997, Dr. Brown was a
professor of clinical psychology at the City University of New
York, where she previously held several Vice Chancellor
positions. From 1993 to 1994, she served as the Deputy Mayor for
Public and Community Affairs in the Office of the Mayor of the
City of New York. Dr. Brown also serves on the Board of
Directors of Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation. Dr. Brown
previously served on the Board of Directors of Linens &
Things and the PAXAR Corporation.
In recommending the re-election of Dr. Brown, the Board considered the following key competencies: executive experience; public relations experience; government experience; and public company board experience. Dr. Brown has been a member of USECs Board since its privatization in 1998.
Joseph T. Doyle
Director since 2006
Age 62
Mr. Doyle is a consultant to and a director of several for
profit companies and not for profit organizations. From July
2002 through March 2003, he served as Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer of Foster Wheeler, Inc. Prior to joining
Foster Wheeler, Mr. Doyle was Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer of U.S. Office Products from 1998 through
2001, Chief Financial Officer of Westinghouse Electric
Companys Industrial Group from 1996 through 1998, and
Chief Financial Officer of Allison Engine Company (now Rolls
Royce Allison) from 1994 through 1996. U.S. Office Products
filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 of the United
States Bankruptcy Code in March 2001.
In recommending the re-election of Mr. Doyle, the Board considered the following key competencies: CFO and 17 years of public accounting experience; audit committee financial expert; internal audit experience; nuclear submarine and nuclear energy and power experience; and engineering and construction experience.
H. William Habermeyer
Director since 2008
Age 67
Mr. Habermeyer retired in 2006 as President and Chief Executive
Officer of Progress Energy Florida, a subsidiary of Progress
Energy, Inc., a diversified energy company. Mr. Habermeyer
joined Progress Energy predecessor, Carolina Power & Light
in 1993 and served as Vice President of Nuclear Services and
Environmental Support, Vice President of Nuclear Engineering,
and Vice President of the Western Region in North Carolina,
before assuming the role of President and Chief Executive
Officer of Progress Energy Florida in 2000. Prior to that, Mr.
Habermeyer had a
career in the U.S. Navy, retiring as a Rear Admiral. Mr.
Habermeyer also serves on the Board of Directors of Raymond
James Financial, Inc. and Southern Company.
In recommending the re-election of Mr. Habermeyer, the Board considered the following key competencies: CEO experience; business operations experience, including operating and managing nuclear powered submarines and commercial nuclear power plants; nuclear engineering experience; electric utility experience; and public company board experience.
John R. Hall
Director since 1998
Age 77
Mr. Hall retired in 1997 as Chairman of the Board of Directors
of Ashland, Inc., a company engaged in specialty chemicals,
lubricants, car-care products, chemical and plastics
distribution businesses, a position he held since 1981. Mr. Hall
also was Chief Executive Officer of Ashland, Inc. from 1981 to
1996. Mr. Hall was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Arch
Coal, Inc. from 1997 to 1998, and a director until 1999. Mr.
Hall previously served on the Board of Directors of Humana Inc.
and GrafTech International Ltd.
In recommending the re-election of Mr. Hall, the Board considered the following key competencies: CEO experience; public company board experience; mining and chemicals experience; and nuclear experience. Mr. Hall has been a member of USECs Board since its privatization in 1998.
William J. Madia
Director since 2008
Age 62
Dr. Madia is a vice president at Stanford University
responsible for oversight of the SLAC National Accelerator
Laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy national science lab.
Dr. Madia retired in 2007 as Executive Vice President of
Laboratory Operations of the Battelle Memorial Institute, a
non-profit independent research and development organization,
where he oversaw the management or co-management of six
Department of Energy National Laboratories. Dr. Madia
served in that position since 1999. In addition, he was
President and CEO of UT-Battelle, LLC, he managed
Battelles global environmental business, served as
president of Battelle Technology International, director of
Battelles Columbus Laboratories, and corporate vice
president and general manager of Battelles Project
Management Division.
In recommending the re-election of Dr. Madia, the Board considered the following key competencies: science and technology experience; nuclear experience; DOE experience, including the management of six DOE laboratories; and executive and management experience.
W. Henson Moore
Director since 2001
Age 70
Mr. Moore was President and Chief Executive Officer of the
American Forest and Paper Association, the national trade
association of the forest, paper and wood products industry,
from 1995 to 2006. He was also President of the International
Council of Forest Product Associations from 2002 to 2004. Mr.
Moore was previously Deputy Secretary of Energy from 1989 to
1992 and in 1992 became Deputy Chief of Staff for President
George Bush. From 1975 to 1987 he represented the Sixth
Congressional District of Louisiana in the U.S. House of
Representatives. Mr. Moore also serves on the Board of Directors
of Domtar Corporation.
In recommending the re-election of Mr. Moore, the Board considered the following key competencies: DOE experience; political affairs experience; legal experience; CEO experience; international experience; and public company board experience.
John K. Welch
Director since 2005
Age 60
Mr. Welch has been President and Chief Executive Officer since
October 2005. Prior to joining USEC, he served as a consultant
to several government and corporate entities. He was Executive
Vice President and Group Executive, Marine Systems at General
Dynamics Corporation from March 2002 to March 2003, and Senior
Vice President and Group Executive, Marine Systems from January
2000 to March 2002. Prior to that, Mr. Welch held several
executive positions over a ten-year period at General
Dynamics Electric Boat Corporation, including President
from 1995 to 2000. Mr. Welch currently serves on the Board of
Directors of Battelle Memorial Institute, the U.S. Naval Academy
Foundation and Precision Custom Components Inc.
In recommending the re-election of Mr. Welch, the Board considered the following key competencies: current service as USEC CEO; other executive experience; nuclear and defense experience; and manufacturing experience.
Governance Guidelines
The Board of Directors recognizes that good corporate governance
is an important means of protecting the interests of USECs
shareholders, employees, customers, and the community. We have
adopted Governance Guidelines, which serve as principles
addressing the role of the Board of Directors in the areas of
fiduciary oversight, independence, evaluation of the chief
executive officer, and succession planning. The Governance
Guidelines also set standards relating to the composition and
operation of the Board of Directors and its committees,
including standards relating to the selection and qualification
of directors, evaluation of the Board and its committees, and
director education. The Governance Guidelines are administered
by the Boards Nominating and Governance Committee, which
regularly reviews director criteria and qualifications, and
leads the performance assessments of the Board and its
Committees. The Board annually assesses the adequacy and
effectiveness of its Governance Guidelines. Copies of the
current Governance Guidelines are available on our website at or upon written request, addressed to the
Secretary, USEC Inc. at Two Democracy Center, 6903 Rockledge
Drive, Bethesda, Maryland 20817.
Sessions of Non-Management Directors
Our Governance Guidelines contemplate that non-management
directors meet regularly in executive session. During 2009, the
non-management directors met without management at regularly
scheduled executive sessions, and Michael Armacost, Chairman of
the Nominating and Governance Committee, presided at these
executive sessions.
with the Board of Directors
The Board has an established process to receive communications
from shareholders and other interested parties. This process has
been approved by a majority of the independent directors.
Shareholders and other interested parties may contact the Board,
the presiding director for executive sessions of the
non-management directors, or the non-management directors as a
group, by mail or electronically. To communicate with the Board
of Directors, the presiding director for executive sessions of
the non-management directors, or the non-management directors as
a group, correspondence should be addressed to such recipient or
recipients in care of USECs Secretary at the following
c/o Secretary,
USEC Inc., Two Democracy Center, 6903 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda,
Maryland 20817.
To communicate electronically with the Board, the presiding
director for executive sessions of the non-management directors,
or the non-management directors as a group, shareholders and
other interested parties should go to our website at Under the Corporate Governance section, you
will find a link to the
address for writing an electronic message to the Board, the
presiding director for executive sessions of the non-management
directors, or the non-management directors as a group.
The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) listing standards
require that the boards of listed companies have a majority of
independent directors and that audit, nominating and governance,
and compensation committee members must all be independent as
affirmatively determined by the Board. At its February 2010
meeting, after reviewing the NYSE standards of independence, the
Board of Directors affirmatively determined that the following
eight directors were independent: Mr. Armacost,
Dr. Brown, Mr. Doyle, Mr. Habermeyer,
Mr. Hall, Mr. Mellor, Mr. Moore and
Mr. Paquette. The basis for these determinations was that
each of these eight directors (other than Mr. Habermeyer)
had no relationships with the Company other than being a
shareholder of the Company. The Board determined that
Mr. Habermeyer had no material relationships with the
Company, taking into consideration his service on the board of
directors of Southern Company, a customer of USEC. All of the
members of the Companys Audit and Finance, Nominating and
Governance, and Compensation committees are independent.
for Board Membership
The Nominating and Governance Committee believes that the
minimum qualifications for serving as a director of the Company
are that a nominee demonstrate, by significant accomplishment in
his or her field, an ability to make a meaningful contribution
to the Boards oversight of the business and affairs of the
Company. This assessment includes the consideration of each
directors, or each nominees, business background,
experience and capabilities complementary to other
directors experience and capabilities, financial acumen,
experience with government, willingness and ability to devote
adequate time to the Company, integrity, and any other factor
deemed appropriate, all in the context of an assessment of the
perceived needs of the Board at that point in time. In addition,
the Board considers the diversity of its members when
considering a candidate. USEC does not have a formal policy on
Board diversity, however, USECs Board of Directors
Governance Guidelines include diversity as one of the criteria
to be considered in reviewing the appropriate skills and
characteristics required of Board members and nominees. When the
Nominating and Governance Committee considers diversity, it
takes an expansive view and seeks to achieve a diversity of
viewpoints, skills, experience and other factors.
The Nominating and Governance Committee identifies potential
nominees by asking current directors to notify the Committee if
they become aware of persons meeting the criteria described
above, who might be available to serve on the Board. The
Nominating and Governance Committee also, from time to time, may
engage firms that specialize in identifying director candidates.
As described below, the Committee will also consider candidates
recommended by shareholders.
Once a person has been identified by the Nominating and
Governance Committee as a potential candidate, the Committee may
collect and review publicly available information regarding the
person to assess whether the person should be considered
further. If the Nominating and Governance Committee determines
that the candidate warrants further consideration, the Chairman
or another member of the Committee contacts the person.
Generally, if the person expresses a willingness to be
considered and to serve on the Board, the Nominating and
Governance Committee requests information from the candidate,
reviews the persons accomplishments and qualifications,
including in light of any other candidates that the Committee
might be considering, and conducts one or more interviews with
the candidate. In certain instances, Committee members may
contact one or more references provided by the candidate or may
contact other members of the business community or other persons
that may have greater first-hand knowledge of the
candidates accomplishments. The Committees
evaluation process does not vary based on whether or not a
candidate is recommended by a shareholder.
Nominations by Shareholders
The Nominating and Governance Committee will consider director
candidates recommended by shareholders. In considering
candidates submitted by shareholders, the Nominating and
Governance Committee will take into consideration the needs of
the Board and the qualifications of the candidate. To have a
candidate considered by the Nominating and Governance Committee,
a shareholder must comply with notification requirements in
USECs bylaws. The bylaws require, among other things, that
a shareholder must submit the recommendation in writing and must
include the following information:
the name of the shareholder and evidence of the persons
ownership of Company stock, including the number of shares owned
and the length of time of ownership; and
the name of the candidate, the candidates resume or a
listing of his or her qualifications to be a director of the
Company and the persons consent to be named as a director
if selected by the Nominating and Governance Committee and
nominated by the Board.
Under our bylaws, a shareholders nomination for director
must be delivered to the Companys Secretary not less than
90 days nor more than 120 days prior to the
anniversary date of the previous years annual meeting,
unless the date of the next annual meeting is more than
30 days before or more than 60 days after such
anniversary date, in which case notice must be received not
later than the tenth day following the day on which notice of
the meeting is mailed or public disclosure of the date of the
annual meeting is made.
Accordingly, shareholder nominations for director must be
received by the Company between December 30, 2010 and
January 29, 2011, in order to be considered timely, unless
the Company gives notice that the date of the annual meeting is
more than 30 days before, or more than 60 days after,
April 29, 2011.
Leadership Structure and Role in Risk Oversight
The Board does not have a policy on whether or not the role of
the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer should be separate.
However, USEC currently has a separate, independent Chairman.
Mr. Mellor has been Chairman since USECs
privatization in 1998. USEC believes this leadership structure
is appropriate for USEC at this time because Mr. Mellor
provides valuable oversight of management, while avoiding
potential conflicts, and encourages a proactive and effective
board. In his role as Chairman, Mr. Mellor provides Board
leadership, presides at all Board meetings, approves all Board
agendas, and attends all Committee meetings.
The Board has responsibility for risk oversight of USEC and
exercises this oversight function both through the entire Board
and through the individual committees of the Board. Individuals
who supervise USECs risk management responsibilities
report directly to the entire Board on a regular basis regarding
USECs enterprise risk management (ERM) program. The Audit
and Finance Committee has responsibility to discuss the
Companys guidelines and policies governing risk assessment
and risk management and the process by which each is handled.
The risks that are identified as part of USECs ERM program
and through the Audit and Finance Committee process flow down to
the specific committees based on their areas of responsibility.
For example, the Audit and Finance Committee oversees the
management by USEC of risks as they relate to audit and finance
matters or other matters within the committees scope of
responsibilities, while the Regulatory and Government Affairs
Committee oversees the management by USEC of risks as they
relate to compliance with regulatory requirements or other
matters within the committees scope of responsibilities.
Code of
Business Conduct
USEC has a Code of Business Conduct, applicable to all of our
directors, officers and employees, that provides a summary of
the standards of conduct that are at the foundation of our
business operations. The code of business conduct states that we
conduct our business in strict compliance with all applicable
laws and addresses other important matters such as conflicts of
interest and how violations of the code may be reported and will
be handled. Each director, officer and employee must read the
code of business conduct and sign a form stating that he has
read, understands and agrees to comply with the code of business
conduct. Our Business Conduct Committee is responsible for
monitoring performance under the code of business conduct and
for addressing any issues that arise with respect to the code. A
copy of the code of business conduct is available on our website
at or upon written request, addressed to the
Secretary, USEC Inc. at Two Democracy Center, 6903 Rockledge
Drive, Bethesda, Maryland 20817.
with Related Persons
The Board has adopted a policy and procedures for review,
approval or ratification of transactions involving the Company
and related persons (the Companys directors
and executive officers and shareholders owning 5% or greater of
the Companys outstanding stock, or their immediate family
members). The policy covers any related person transaction that
meets the minimum threshold for disclosure under the relevant
SEC rules or that is otherwise referred to the Board for review.
This generally includes transactions involving amounts exceeding
$120,000 in which a related person has a direct or indirect
material interest. Under this policy, related person
transactions must be approved by the Nominating and Governance
Committee, although the Chairman of the Board may direct that
the full Board review specific transactions. The transaction
must be approved in advance whenever feasible and, if not
feasible, must be ratified at the Nominating and Governance
Committees next meeting. In determining whether to approve
or ratify a related person transaction, the Nominating and
Governance Committee will take into account all factors it deems
appropriate, including: whether the subject matter of the
transaction is available from other non-affiliated sources;
whether the transaction is on terms no less favorable to the
Company than terms generally available from an unaffiliated
third party; the extent of the related persons interest in
the transaction; and whether the transaction is in the best
interests of the Company.
Management is responsible for the development and implementation
of processes and controls to ensure that related person
transactions are identified and that disclosure is made as
required by law. To that end, currently we annually require each
of our directors and executive officers to complete a
directors and officers questionnaire that elicits
information about related person transactions.
Governance Information
Shareholders will find information about our corporate
governance practices on our website at Our
website contains information about our Board of Directors, Board
committees, current copies of our bylaws and charter, committee
charters, Code of Business Conduct and Governance Guidelines.
Shareholders may obtain, without charge, hard copies of the
above documents by writing to the Secretary, USEC Inc. at Two
Democracy Center, 6903 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, Maryland 20817.
Board and
Committee Membership
Pursuant to the Delaware General Corporation Law, under which
USEC is organized, our business, property, and affairs are
managed under the direction of our Board of Directors. Members
of the Board are kept informed of our business through
discussions with the Chief Executive Officer and other officers,
by reviewing materials prepared for them by management, by
participating in meetings of the Board and its committees and by
other means.
It is the Boards policy that all directors attend the
annual meeting. We had ten directors at the time of the 2009
Annual Meeting, all of whom attended the 2009 Annual Meeting.
During 2009, the Board of Directors held eight regular meetings
and three special meetings. All directors attended 75% or more
of the Board of Directors meetings and meetings of the
committees on which they served. The average attendance of all
directors at all Board and committee meetings in 2009 was 93%.
During 2009, the Board had designated five committees, each
identified in the table below. All five committees are composed
entirely of non-employee directors. The Board has adopted a
written charter for each of these committees. The full text of
each charter is available on the Companys website located
The table below sets forth the membership of these committees as
of March 4, 2010 and the number of meetings held in 2009:
Regulatory and
Audit and
Nominating and
Technology and
James R. Mellor
Michael H. Armacost
Joyce F. Brown
Joseph T. Doyle
H. William Habermeyer
John R. Hall
William J. Madia
W. Henson Moore
Joseph F. Paquette, Jr.
Number of Meetings in 2009
The functions performed by our five standing committees are
described below.
Audit and
Finance Committee
The Audit and Finance Committee represents and assists the Board
with the oversight of: the integrity of the Companys
financial statements and internal controls, the Companys
compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the
independent auditors qualifications and independence, the
performance of the Companys internal audit function, and
the performance of the independent auditors. In addition, the
Committee is responsible for appointing, overseeing and
terminating the Companys independent auditors, and
reviewing the Companys accounting processes, financial
controls, reporting systems, and the scope of the audits to be
conducted. The Committee is also responsible for advising the
Board regarding significant financial matters. The Committee is
also responsible for discussing the Companys guidelines
and policies governing risk assessment and risk management and
the process by which each is handled and to oversee the
management by the Company of risks as they relate to audit and
finance matters or other matters within the Committees
scope of responsibilities. The Committee meets regularly in
executive session with the Companys independent auditors
and with the Companys internal auditors.
The Board has determined that each member of the Audit and
Finance Committee is an independent director in
accordance with NYSE listing standards. Under the NYSE listing
standards, all audit committee members must be financially
literate, as that term is determined by the Board in its
business judgment. Further, under the Securities and Exchange
Commissions (the SEC) rules, the Board must
determine whether at least one member of the audit committee is
an audit committee financial expert, as defined by
the SECs rules. The Board has determined that all members
of the Audit and Finance Committee are financially
literate and that Mr. Doyle and Mr. Paquette
qualify as audit committee financial experts.
The Compensation Committees responsibilities include
annually reviewing the performance of the Chief Executive
Officer and other senior management; overseeing and
administering the Companys executive compensation program
and advising and making recommendations to the Board with
respect thereto; and reviewing, overseeing and evaluating
overall compensation programs and policies for the Company and
its employees and making recommendations to the Board. The
Compensation Committee is also responsible for periodically
reviewing compensation for non-employee directors and making
recommendations to the Board. The Compensation Committee also
establishes annual performance objectives under the
Companys incentive programs and oversees administration of
employee benefit plans. Additional information on the processes
and procedures for consideration of executive and director
compensation are addressed in the Compensation Discussion and
The Compensation Committee is also responsible for overseeing
the management by the Company of risks as they relate to the
Companys compensation policies and practices and other
matters within the Committees scope of responsibilities.
The Compensation Committee reviews the Companys
compensation policies and practices for all employees, including
executive officers, and has determined that risks arising from
our compensation policies and practices are not reasonably
likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company. The
Compensation Committee also considers whether our compensation
programs include certain design features which have been
identified by compensation consultants as having the potential
to encourage excessive risk-taking when part of the plan design
at other companies, such as: too much focus on short-term
objectives, too much weight on one metric or objective, too many
objectives or improper weighting of objectives, compensation mix
overly weighted to cash, excessive use of stock options, and
unreasonable award levels or goals. The Compensation Committee
has noted several design features of the Companys
compensation programs for executives that reduce the likelihood
of excessive risk-taking: the program design provides a balanced
mix of cash and equity, annual and longer-term incentives, and
performance metrics, maximum payout levels awards are
reasonable, the Compensation Committee has downward discretion
over incentive program awards, the Companys equity
incentive plan allows the Company to claw back
payments to those engaged in misconduct related to a restatement
of the Companys financial results, and executives are
subject to stock ownership guidelines. The Compensation
Committee has determined that, for all employees, the
Companys compensation programs do not encourage excessive
risk and instead encourage behaviors that support sustainable
value creation.
The Board has determined that each member of the Compensation
Committee is an independent director in accordance
with NYSE listing standards.
and Governance Committee
The functions of the Nominating and Governance Committee include
the following: identifying and recommending to the Board
individuals qualified to serve as directors of the Company;
recommending to the Board directors to serve on committees of
the Board; advising the Board with respect to matters of Board
composition and procedures; developing and recommending to the
Board a set of corporate governance principles applicable to the
Company and overseeing corporate governance matters generally;
overseeing the annual evaluations of the Chief Executive
Officer, the Board and its committees; and overseeing the
management by the Company of risks as they relate to the
Companys corporate governance or other matters within the
Committees scope of responsibilities.
The Nominating and Governance Committee will consider director
candidates recommended by shareholders in accordance with the
procedures previously described under Governance
Information Director Nominations by
Shareholders. In addition, the Nominating and Governance
Committee is responsible for reviewing the Companys Code
of Business Conduct and overseeing the Companys processes
for monitoring compliance, and for reviewing and approving all
transactions between the Company and any related person under
the Companys related person transaction policy previously
The Board has determined that each member of the Nominating and
Governance Committee is an independent director in
accordance with NYSE listing standards.
and Government Affairs Committee
The Regulatory and Government Affairs Committees
responsibilities include monitoring the Companys
compliance with regulatory requirements, overseeing the
Companys initiatives with and involving various agencies
of the United States government and applicable State
governments, advising the Board on regulatory and other
governmental considerations in the Boards deliberations
and decision-making processes, and overseeing the management by
the Company of risks as they relate to the Companys
compliance with regulatory requirements or other matters within
the Committees scope of responsibilities.
and Competition Committee
The Technology and Competition Committees responsibilities
include providing oversight and guidance to management with
respect to the Companys technology initiatives, with a
focus on the potential technological advances and technological
risk related to the Companys centrifuge technology;
informing the Board of significant energy policy developments
and developments in enrichment technology; monitoring
competition and market demand in the enrichment industry;
monitoring the protection of the Companys intellectual
property; monitoring issues with respect to the Companys
information technology; and overseeing the management by the
Company of risks as they relate to the Companys
technology, competition or other matters within the
Committees scope of responsibilities.
of Directors
Director Compensation Arrangement
Annual compensation for non-employee directors covers service
for the one-year term commencing at the annual meeting. The
compensation is unchanged for the 2010 2011 term.
Mr. Welch, President and Chief Executive Officer, did not
receive separate compensation for his Board activities in 2009.
During the 2009 2010 term, non-employee directors
received an annual retainer of $200,000, consisting of $80,000
in cash and restricted stock units with a value of $120,000
under the USEC Inc. 2009 Equity Incentive Plan. These restricted
stock units will vest one year from the date of grant, however,
vesting is accelerated upon (1) the director attaining
eligibility for retirement (defined below), (2) termination
of the directors service by reason of death or disability,
or (3) a change in control. No separate meeting fees are
paid. The Chairman of the Board receives an annual
chairmans fee of $100,000 in cash in connection with his
duties as Chairman of the Board. The chairman of the Audit and
Finance Committee receives an annual chairmans fee of
$20,000 in cash, the chairman of the Compensation Committee
receives an annual chairmans fee of $10,000 in cash, and
the chairman of each other committee receives an annual
chairmans fee of $7,500 in cash. Directors have the option
to receive their cash fees in restricted stock units. A director
who elects to receive their cash fees in restricted stock units
will receive an incentive payment of restricted stock units
equal to 20% of the portion of the cash fees that the director
elects to take in restricted stock units in lieu of cash. These
incentive restricted stock units will vest in equal annual
installments over three years from the date of grant, however,
vesting is accelerated upon (1) the director attaining
eligibility for retirement, (2) termination of the
directors service by reason of death or disability, or
(3) a change in control. All fees are payable at the
beginning of the term. Settlement of restricted stock units
granted to non-employee directors is made in shares of USEC
stock upon the directors retirement or other end of
service. All non-employee directors are reimbursed for any
reasonable expenses incurred in connection with their duties as
directors of the Company.
Retirement is defined in the 2009 Equity Incentive Plan in the
case of non-employee directors as a termination of service on or
after age 75. As of December 31, 2009, three of the
nine non-employee directors were eligible for retirement.
Deferred Compensation Plan
Directors also have the option to defer all or a portion of
their cash fees into the USEC Inc. Director Deferred
Compensation Plan. This plan is intended to be a non-qualified
deferred compensation plan that complies with the regulations of
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended. Directors who elect to participate in the plan may
defer up to a maximum of 100% and a minimum of 5% of cash
director fees. A director may receive a distribution from the
plan upon a qualifying distribution event such as a separation
from service, disability, death, or in-service distribution,
change in control or an unforeseeable emergency all as defined
in the plan. Distributions from the plan will be made in cash in
a lump sum, annual installments, or a combination of both, in
the manner elected by the director and provided for in the plan.
During 2009, no directors participated in the plan.
Stock Ownership Guidelines
In order to more closely align directors interests with
the interests of shareholders, directors are required to hold
25,000 shares of Company common stock. Restricted stock
units are counted toward meeting this objective. As an incentive
to take more of their compensation in the form of Company stock,
directors are eligible to receive incentive restricted stock
units described above under Non-Employee Director
Compensation Arrangement. As of December 31, 2009,
all of the directors had satisfied their stock ownership
Compensation in Fiscal Year 2009
Fees Earned or
Paid in Cash(1)
James R. Mellor
Michael H. Armacost
Joyce F. Brown
Joseph T. Doyle
H. William Habermeyer
John R. Hall
William J. Madia
W. Henson Moore
Joseph F. Paquette, Jr.
(1) |
The amounts shown in the Fees Earned or Paid in Cash column
include the following: |
Annual Retainers: Cash paid in 2009 to Mr. Mellor,
Mr. Armacost, Dr. Brown, Mr. Habermeyer,
Dr. Madia, and Mr. Moore for $80,000 cash portion of
annual retainers for the 2009 2010 term.
Mr. Doyle, Mr. Hall and Mr. Paquette elected to
take all fees in restricted stock units in lieu of cash as shown
in the Stock Awards column.
Chairmans Fees: Cash paid in 2009 to Mr. Armacost
($7,500), Mr. Habermeyer ($10,000), Dr. Madia ($7,500)
and Mr. Moore ($7,500) for annual committee chairmans
fees for the 2009 2010 term. Also includes cash paid
in 2009 to Mr. Mellor for his annual chairmans fee of
$100,000 for the 2009 2010 term.
(2) |
The amounts shown in the Stock Awards column represents the
aggregate grant date fair value of stock awards to directors in
2009, computed in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards
Board (FASB) Auditing Standards Codification
(ASC) Topic 718 (Compensation Stock
Compensation). For a discussion of valuation assumptions, see
Note 11 to our consolidated financial statements included
in our annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009. In accordance with
SEC rules, the amounts shown exclude the impact of estimated
forfeitures related to service-based vesting conditions. |
Mr. Doyle, Mr. Hall and Mr. Paquette elected to
take all fees in restricted stock units in lieu of cash and so
amounts include $200,000 annual retainer for the
term, any chairman fees, and incentive restricted stock units.
The amount for Mr. Mellor, Mr. Armacost,
Dr. Brown, Mr. Habermeyer, Dr. Madia and
Mr. Moore includes $120,000 annual retainer payable in
restricted stock units. The amounts shown in the Stock Awards
column for each of the non-employee directors includes the
following grants of restricted stock units, which have the
following grant date fair value, calculated using the closing
price of USECs common stock on the date of grant in
accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718 (Compensation
Stock Compensation): |
Number of
Grant Date
Grant Date
Stock Units
Fair Value
James R. Mellor
Michael H. Armacost
Joyce F. Brown
Joseph T. Doyle
H. William Habermeyer
John R. Hall
William J. Madia
W. Henson Moore
Joseph F. Paquette, Jr.
The aggregate number of stock awards, including shares of
restricted stock and restricted stock units, outstanding at
December 31, 2009 for each of the non-employee directors
are as follows:
Number of Shares of
Restricted Stock or
Restricted Stock Units
James R. Mellor
Michael H. Armacost
Joyce F. Brown
Joseph T. Doyle
H. William Habermeyer
John R. Hall
William J. Madia
W. Henson Moore
Joseph F. Paquette, Jr.
(3) |
No stock option grants were made to directors in 2009. The
following table shows the number of stock options held by each
non-employee director as of December 31, 2009, all of which
are immediately exercisable: |
Number of Securities
Unexercised Options
James R. Mellor
Michael H. Armacost
Joyce F. Brown
Joseph T. Doyle
John R. Hall
W. Henson Moore
Joseph F. Paquette, Jr.
The following table sets forth, as of March 4, 2010,
the beneficial ownership of the Companys common stock
for the following persons: (a) all shareholders known by
the Company to beneficially own more than 5% of the common
stock; (b) each of the Companys directors;
(c) the Companys Chief Executive Officer, Chief
Financial Officer, and the three other most highly paid
executive officers of the Company serving as executive officers
at December 31, 2009; and (d) all of the
Companys directors and executive officers as a group.
Unless otherwise indicated in the table, each person has the
sole power to vote and dispose of the shares reported as
beneficially owned by such person. Certain information in the
table is based on information contained in filings made by the
beneficial owner with the SEC.
Common Stock
Beneficially Owned(1)
Name of Beneficial Owner
Shares Owned
Percent of Class
82 Devonshire Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02109
Donald Smith & Co., Inc.(3)
152 West 57th Street
New York, New York 10019
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP(4)
6300 Bee Cave Road
Austin, Texas 78746
Tradewinds Global Investors, LLC(5)
2049 Century Park East, 20th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90067
BlackRock, Inc.(6)
40 East 53nd Street,
New York, New York 10022
Michael H. Armacost
Joyce F. Brown
Joseph T. Doyle
H. William Habermeyer
John R. Hall
William J. Madia
James R. Mellor
W. Henson Moore
Joseph F. Paquette, Jr.
John K. Welch
John C. Barpoulis
Philip G. Sewell
Robert Van Namen
W. Lance Wright
Directors and all executive officers as a group (21 persons)
* |
Less than 1% |
(1) |
For purposes of computing the percentage of outstanding shares
beneficially owned by each person, the number of shares owned by
that person and the number of shares outstanding includes shares
as to which such person has a right to acquire beneficial
ownership within 60 days (for example, through the exercise |
of stock options or conversion of securities), in accordance
Rule 13d-3(d)(1)
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. |
(2) |
According to the Schedule 13G/A filed with the SEC by FMR
LLC and Edward C. Johnson 3d on February 16, 2010, the
beneficial owner of 11,707,226 shares of the Companys
common stock is Fidelity Management & Research
Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of FMR LLC, and the
beneficial owner of the remaining 1,177,685 shares is
Pyramis Global Advisors, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of FMR
LLC. The Schedule 13G/A states that the number of shares of
common stock owned by the investment companies includes
3,107,226 shares of common stock resulting from the assumed
conversion of $37,150,000 principal amount of the Companys
3% convertible senior notes due October 1, 2014
(83.64 shares of common stock for each $1,000 principal
amount of notes), and so in calculating the percentage of the
class owned by FMR LLC we have assumed the conversion of the
entire $575,000,000 principal amount of the Companys 3%
convertible senior notes. The predominant owners of Class B
shares of common stock of FMR LLC representing 49% of the voting
power of FMR LLC are members of the Edward C. Johnson 3d family.
The Schedule 13G/A states that FMR LLC has sole voting
power with respect to 1,177,685 shares and sole dispositive
power with respect to 12,884,911 shares. For additional
information on FMR LLCs beneficial ownership please see
the Schedule 13G/A. |
(3) |
The Schedule 13G filed on February 11, 2010 with the
SEC by Donald Smith & Co., Inc., Richard Greenberg,
and Donald Smith Long/Short Equities Fund, L.P. states that they
have the sole power to dispose of 11,268,350 shares. The
Schedule 13G states that Donald Smith & Co. has
sole power to vote 8,563,062 shares, Richard Greenberg has
sole power to vote 10,000 shares and Donald Smith
Long/Short Equities Fund, L.P. has the sole power to vote
36,750 shares. In the Schedule 13G, Donald
Smith & Co. states that all securities reported
therein are owned by its advisory clients, no one of which, to
its knowledge, owns more than 5% of the class of securities. |
(4) |
The Schedule 13G/A filed on February 8, 2010 with the
SEC by Dimensional Fund Advisors LP states that it has sole
power to vote 8,290,074 shares and sole power to dispose of
8,470,001 shares. Dimensional Fund Advisors states in
its Schedule 13G/A that all securities reported therein are
owned by its funds, no one of which, to its knowledge, owns more
than 5% of the class of securities. In its Schedule 13G/A,
Dimensional Fund Advisors disclaims beneficial ownership of
all such securities. |
(5) |
The Schedule 13G/A filed on February 12, 2010 with the
SEC by Tradewinds Global Investors, LLC states that it has sole
power to vote 6,422,465 shares and sole power to dispose of
7,752,341 shares. Tradewinds Global Investors, LLC states
in its Schedule 13G/A that all securities reported therein
are owned by its clients. |
(6) |
The Schedule 13G filed on January 29, 2010 with the
SEC by BlackRock, Inc. states that it has the sole power to vote
6,359,569 shares and the sole power to dispose of
(7) |
Includes shares subject to options granted pursuant to the USEC
Inc. 2009 Equity Incentive Plan (or its predecessor plan, the
USEC Inc. 1999 Equity Incentive Plan) exercisable, as of
March 4, 2010, or within 60 days from such date as
follows: Mr. Armacost 16,750; Dr. Brown 17,250;
Mr. Doyle 1,227; Mr. Hall 36,637; Mr. Mellor
211,876; Mr. Moore 10,500; Mr. Paquette 17,250;
Mr. Welch 601,792; Mr. Barpoulis 178,426;
Mr. Sewell 385,095; Mr. Van Namen 251,987; and
Mr. Wright 140,523. Also includes restricted stock units
that can be converted into USEC common stock within 60 days
from March 4, 2010 as follows: Mr. Armacost 31,960;
Dr. Brown 31,960; Mr. Doyle 50,519;
Mr. Habermeyer 25,611; Mr. Hall 110,412;
Dr. Madia 25,611; Mr. Mellor 116,602; Mr. Moore
31,960; and Mr. Paquette 98,228. |
(8) |
Includes 2,029,382 shares subject to options granted
pursuant to the USEC Inc. 2009 Equity Incentive Plan (or its
predecessor plan, the USEC Inc. 1999 Equity Incentive Plan)
exercisable as of March 4, 2010, or within 60 days
from such date. Includes 522,863 restricted stock units that can
be converted into USEC common stock within 60 days from
March 4, 2010. |
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
requires our executive officers, directors, and persons who own
more than 10% of our common stock to file reports of beneficial
ownership and changes in beneficial ownership with the SEC and
to furnish us with copies of the reports. We received written
representations from each such person who did not file an annual
report with the SEC on Form 5 that no Form 5 was due.
Based on our review of the reports and representations, we
believe that all required Section 16(a) reports were timely
filed in 2009, except as follows: Mr. John K. Welch, an
executive officer, filed amended Form 4s on April 9,
2009 and on May 4, 2009 which corrected the number of
shares of stock disposed of to satisfy his withholding tax
obligation that was reported on his Form 4s filed on
March 31, 2009 and March 5, 2009, respectively.
Mr. John C. Barpoulis and W. Lance Wright, executive
officers, both filed an amended Form 4 on June 8, 2009
which corrected the number of shares of stock disposed of to
satisfy their withholding tax obligation that was reported on
their Form 4 filed on March 5, 2009.
Discussion and Analysis
The following discussion and analysis contains statements
regarding future individual and company performance targets and
goals. These targets and goals are disclosed in the limited
context of USECs executive compensation programs and
should not be understood to be statements of managements
expectations or estimates of financial results or other
guidance. USEC specifically cautions investors not to apply
these statements to other contexts.
USEC is a global energy company that currently operates the only
uranium enrichment plant in commercial operation in the United
States. We are in the midst of a critical transition period for
our enrichment business. We are developing and deploying an
advanced uranium enrichment centrifuge technology, which we
refer to as the American Centrifuge technology, as a replacement
for our gaseous diffusion technology. The construction and
deployment of the American Centrifuge Plant is a large and
capital-intensive undertaking. The transition period has several
challenges and opportunities and during this period our ability
to attract, motivate and retain employees and executives with
the requisite skills and experience to meet these challenges is
essential to our success and to the creation of long-term value
for our shareholders. USEC began 2009 with a business plan
focused on preserving Company liquidity, retiring or mitigating
a number of key risks that faced the business, and getting us to
the next step with respect to the American Centrifuge project.
In July 2008, we applied for $2 billion in financing from
the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Loan
Guarantee Program to build the American Centrifuge Plant. We had
hoped to receive a commitment for funding from DOE by the end of
2008 but the DOE did not take action to select any advanced
energy projects for funding under its Loan Guarantee Program and
so we entered 2009 without the funding commitment we needed and
with the uncertainty of a new administration. The uncertainty
surrounding project funding forced us in early 2009 to begin
taking steps to conserve cash and reduce the planned escalation
of American Centrifuge project construction and machine
manufacturing activities until we gained greater clarity on
potential funding for the project through the DOE Loan Guarantee
Program. As a result, setting the tone at the top,
management began the cash conservation program with recommending
to the Compensation Committee a freeze in base salaries for
senior officers for 2009, capping 2008 annual incentive awards
at the target level, and requiring that 50% (rather than 35%, or
0% for someone who had met their stock ownership guidelines) of
2008 annual incentive awards for officers (paid in 2009) be
taken in restricted stock instead of cash. Director compensation
was also frozen at the
level (all non-employee directors already receive more than 50%
of their compensation in equity and have not received an
increase in their cash compensation since 2007). The
Compensation Committee determined that these actions were
appropriate in responding to the Companys business
circumstances while rewarding performance and recognizing the
importance of retention of executives and other key employees
who are critical to the Companys success. The uncertainty
we faced at the beginning of 2009 and the focus on liquidity and
financing was also reflected in the Compensation
Committees determination to postpone the implementation of
a new three-year Executive Incentive Plan that would have begun
January 1, 2009 and to instead replace the plan for 2009
with a one-year performance based award that vests over three
years, as discussed under Long-Term Incentive
Compensation 2009 Performance Plan.
At the beginning of 2009, when the annual performance goals were
set, the financial outlook for 2009 included projected revenue
of $2.2 to $2.25 billion, projected net income for the year
in a range of $25 to $50 million, projected gross profit
margin for 2009 of 10% to 12%, and projected cash flows from
operations for the year of $240 to $270 million. As
reported in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009, we ended 2009 with
revenues of approximately $2.04 billion, net income of
approximately $58.5 million, a gross profit margin of 10%,
and cash flow from operations of $443.4 million. 2009 was
an active year for USEC as year over year the quantity of
separative work units (SWU) delivered to our
customers increased by 30% over 2008 but still less than
expected, which reduced our revenues and affected our gross
profit margin compared to our budget, leading to a gross profit
margin that was slightly below our
annual incentive award target. In January 2009, our
long-standing trade case with respect to the application of
trade restrictions on the importation of low enriched uranium
(LEU) by our French government-owned competitor was
positively resolved following a unanimous U.S. Supreme
Court ruling. That ruling paved the way for USEC and this
competitor to reach a settlement in May that resulted in the
realization by USEC of approximately $70 million of
unbudgeted cash flow in the fourth quarter, which was one of the
factors that resulted in cash flow from operations in 2009
exceeding the high end of the range of our initial outlook and
our annual incentive award maximum target, notwithstanding the
cash impact of the lower than budgeted revenues for 2009. USEC
management also achieved a number of other key business
objectives in 2009, including (1) the monetization of SWU
inventory that we built up in 2008 in anticipation of 2009
deliveries; (2) continued success with respect to the sales
of SWU to support the American Centrifuge Plant, even in light
of current uncertainties, with overall customer commitments for
the American Centrifuge Plant valued at $3.1 billion;
(3) substantial efforts to rework our American Centrifuge
project implementation plan and extensive coordination with our
strategic suppliers to keep them engaged; (4) efforts to
continue to keep a dialogue and a path forward with DOE for a
loan guarantee; (5) continued success in our Megatons to
Megawatts program that recycles former Soviet-era nuclear
warheads into LEU, including an amendment to the pricing
methodology to improve purchase price stability; and
(6) strengthening our core operations by continuing to
operate our Paducah gaseous diffusion plant efficiently and with
an excellent safety record.
However, the achievements of 2009 were in many ways overshadowed
by setbacks with respect to the American Centrifuge project. The
American Centrifuge project suffered a significant setback in
August 2009 when DOE deferred review of our application for a
loan guarantee until technical and financial concerns are
addressed. This resulted in a mid-year change in strategic
direction for USEC as we were forced to demobilize construction
of the American Centrifuge Plant and to consider strategic
alternatives. We are still evaluating the cost of the
demobilization and a potential remobilization and how best to
configure the project on a go-forward basis. As more fully
described below under Elements of Executive
Compensation Annual Incentive, adjustments
were made to the individual performance objectives under the
Annual Incentive Program, effective August 1, 2009, in
order to adjust these to be appropriately tied to the
Companys changed strategic business plan and to continue
to provide appropriate incentives to management. No change was
made to the corporate quantitative goals under the Annual
Incentive Program, including American Centrifuge earned value
performance measure (measure of project cost and schedule
performance) and this significantly adversely affected the
overall annual incentive award performance for 2009.
Managements efforts to control selling, general and
administrative (SG&A) expense were hampered by consulting
costs related to strategy and other organizational efforts,
necessitated by the changes in strategic direction, which also
affected the annual incentive award achievement.
Taking into account the achievements of management and other key
employees combined with the setbacks with respect to the
American Centrifuge project in 2009, the five executives named
in the Summary Compensation Table that follows this discussion
(whom we refer to as our named executive officers)
were awarded annual incentive awards that were between 61% and
70% of target for 2009. With a maximum possible achievement
level of 150% of target under the Annual Incentive Program, this
represented a significant reduction for the named executive
December 2009 marked the end of the one-year performance
component of the Long-Term Incentive Program described below
under Long-Term Incentive Compensation 2009
Performance Plan, which covered the performance period
January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009. Despite the
significant achievements of management during the period in
ensuring sufficient liquidity for ongoing Company operations,
the lack of progress on financing related to the American
Centrifuge project led to performance and payout only at
threshold (80% of target levels) for this one-year plan. In
light of the difficulty in setting appropriate long-term
performance targets in early 2010 given the Companys
business circumstances and the need to retain and motivate the
Companys executives, the Compensation Committee determined
not to continue the 2009 Performance Plan in 2010 but instead to
fold it into the annual grant of restricted stock by increasing
the annualized target levels of restricted stock for the named
executive officers for 2010 by an equivalent amount, as
discussed under Long-Term Incentive
Compensation 2009 Performance Plan.
Looking ahead, the Compensation Committee continues to be
particularly focused on retention of key executives and
employees during this critical transition period while still
maintaining a focus on
Philosophy and Objectives
The Compensation Committee on behalf of the Board of Directors
oversees an executive compensation program designed to enable
USEC to attract highly talented individuals. This program
reflects the Companys philosophy that the majority of an
executives compensation should be based on his or her
overall contribution to the success of the Company and the
creation of long-term value for our shareholders. This
philosophy is the basis for the development of the
Companys executive compensation program. In keeping with
this philosophy, the Compensation Committee has established the
following objectives for the Companys executive
compensation program:
Compensation should be aligned with shareholders
interests: The program seeks to align the
interests of executives with the long-term interests of our
shareholders by providing strong incentives to maximize
long-term value for our shareholders. Long-term stock ownership
by our executives is emphasized to provide ongoing alignment.
Compensation should support our business
strategy: Our compensation program is designed to
reinforce our underlying business strategy and objectives by
rewarding successful execution of our business plan, with
performance goals tied to our business plan. Our success is
heavily dependent on our ability to attract and retain
experienced executives who consistently deliver operational and
financial results.
Compensation should reward performance: A
substantial portion of the total compensation opportunity is
variable and dependent upon the Companys operating and
financial performance.
Compensation opportunities should be market
competitive: To accomplish these guiding
principles, it is essential for the compensation and benefits
programs to provide competitive compensation relative to the
labor markets for our executives while maintaining fiscal
responsibility for our shareholders.
Compensation and benefits programs should encourage
short-term and long-term retention: Our
compensation and benefits programs, including our retirement
plans are intended to encourage retention and reward continuity
of service, which is particularly important due to the unique
skill sets of our executives. Short term retention is also
important due to the risks currently facing our business.
The elements of direct compensation for the named executive
officers are base salary, awards under the Companys annual
incentive program, and long-term incentive awards. In 2009, the
long-term awards included restricted stock, non-qualified stock
options and a one-year performance component. Named executive
officers are also eligible for other elements of indirect
compensation, including retirement benefits. In setting the
terms of executive compensation, the Compensation Committee
considers all elements of compensation, both direct and
indirect. In addition, the Compensation Committee has instituted
stock ownership guidelines for all executives, providing an
additional alignment between the interests of executives and
Director compensation is established by the Board upon the
recommendation of the Compensation Committee. In recommending
director compensation, the Compensation Committee consults with
Watson Wyatt Worldwide (Watson Wyatt) (Watson Wyatt
merged with Towers Perrin to form Towers Watson effective
January 4, 2010), an independent compensation consultant.
Watson Wyatt utilizes compensation information from a peer group
of companies with board members with comparable experience to
the Companys Board. Watson Wyatts role is more fully
described under Setting Executive Compensation.
Role of
Executive Officers in Compensation Decisions
The Compensation Committee believes that input from management
provides useful information and points of view to assist the
Compensation Committee. The Chief Executive Officer and the
Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Administration
provide support to the Compensation Committee. The Chief
Executive Officer gives the Compensation Committee performance
assessments and compensation recommendations for each of the
other named executive officers. Those recommendations are
considered by the Compensation Committee with the assistance of
the compensation consultant. The Chief Executive Officer and the
Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Administration
generally attend Compensation Committee meetings but are not
present for the executive sessions or for any discussion of
their own compensation. The Chief Financial Officer also attends
Compensation Committee meetings as needed to report on financial
items. Compensation Committee meetings often include an
executive session without members of management present,
depending on the topics covered at the meeting. During 2009, the
Compensation Committee met seven times and met in executive
session at four of those meetings.
Executive Compensation
Based on the foregoing objectives, the Compensation Committee
has structured the Companys executive compensation program
to motivate executives to achieve the business goals set by the
Company and to reward executives for achieving these goals.
In furtherance of this, the Compensation Committee has retained
the services of Watson Wyatt. Watson Wyatt provides the
Compensation Committee with independent compensation data,
analysis and advice. Watson Wyatt reports to the Compensation
Committee and under the Compensation Committees charter,
the Compensation Committee has sole authority to retain and
terminate the compensation consultant and to approve the
consultants fees and other retention terms. During 2009,
Watson Wyatt did not do any work for USEC other than work
performed for the Compensation Committee. Throughout 2009,
Watson Wyatt worked closely with the Compensation Committee and
attended all Compensation Committee meetings. Examples of
projects assigned to Watson Wyatt included market studies of
executive pay and of Board pay, review of the peer group for
executive compensation benchmarking, a review of the value of
Company equity owned by executives, a review of walk-away values
as of year-end, and a presentation on executive compensation
trends to the Board. During 2009, Towers Perrin, which,
effective January 4, 2010, merged with Watson Wyatt,
provided USEC with advisory services for our tax-qualified
pension plans and other retirement plans. We expect that this
work will continue in 2010.
Watson Wyatt uses compensation information from (1) a
Peer Group of companies in specific industries in
which we compete for executive talent, through a review of their
proxy statements; and (2) general industry companies with
revenues comparable to USECs through the pooled survey
data described below.
Currently, as the only publicly traded uranium enrichment
company in the United States, USEC does not have direct publicly
traded U.S. peers. The Peer Group was selected by the
Compensation Committee upon the recommendation of Watson Wyatt.
The Peer Group was revised in 2008 for purposes of evaluating
executive compensation for 2009 following a review of the Peer
Group in light of potential changes in the types of companies we
may be competing with for executive talent as we focus on the
deployment of the American Centrifuge project, with a greater
focus on technology, engineering and construction companies. In
selecting companies for the Peer Group, consideration was given
to several factors, including industry relevance (focusing on
specialty chemicals, aerospace and defense, construction and
engineering, utilities with nuclear operations, and other
utilities), business operations and roughly comparable size in
terms of revenue and market capitalization. The Peer Group was
not picked on the basis of executive compensation levels. The
Peer Group during 2009 was comprised of the following
19 companies: Albemarle Corp., Alliant Techsystems Inc.,
Arch Chemicals Inc., Arch Coal Inc., Cameco Corp., CONSOL Energy
Inc., Curtiss-Wright Corp., Cytec Industries Inc.,
Esterline Technologies Corp., FMC Corp., Goodrich Corp., Hexcel
Corp., McDermott International, Inc., OM Group, Orbital Sciences
Corp., Rockwell Collins Inc., Rockwood Holdings Inc.,
Shaw Group Inc., and Teledyne Technologies.
The Peer Group is different from the peer group index utilized
in the performance graph included in our annual report on
Form 10-K,
which is more focused on companies with similar business
attributes, primarily utilities with nuclear power generation
capabilities, but also including chemical processing companies
and aluminum companies (that are also large users of electric
Peer Group compensation data is limited to publicly available
information and therefore does not provide precise comparisons
by position as offered by more comprehensive survey data. As a
result, our Compensation Committee uses Peer Group data on a
limited basis to analyze the competitiveness of our target
compensation and our general compensation philosophy.
Because the Peer Group data is limited, our Compensation
Committee also used commercially available survey data provided
to it by Watson Wyatt to identify market-median and other market
elements related to our 2009 compensation program. This survey
data included the 2009 / 2010 Watson Wyatt Data Services Top
Management Report, the 2009 Mercer Executive Compensation
Survey, and a proprietary Watson Wyatt large company
compensation survey. This survey data includes pooled
compensation data from many companies and the findings are
segregated by, for example, revenue level, number of employees,
and industry. Using survey cuts of durable goods manufacturing
organizations and general manufacturing organizations with
comparable annual revenues, the Compensation Committee reviewed
pooled compensation data for positions similar to those held by
each named executive officer. In the case of Messrs. Welch
and Barpoulis, whose positions are the most directly comparable
with those in other companies, the Compensation Committee also
used a survey cut of metals and mining organizations with
comparable annual revenues. The Compensation Committee is not
provided with the names of the companies making up these surveys
and is only privy to the statistical summaries provided in these
Based on the objectives outlined above, the Compensation
Committee strives to set target opportunity compensation levels
to be competitive with the market in which the Company competes
for executive talent, with base salaries and target total direct
compensation positioned at the level of approximately the 75th
percentile of the market (as described below under
Elements of Executive Compensation). Incentive
compensation may be above or below targets based on both the
performance of the Company and of the individual. Executives may
realize compensation above target levels based on achieving
outstanding results. This approach is intended to ensure that
there is a direct relationship between the Companys
overall performance in the achievement of its financial,
operational and strategic goals and each individual
executives total compensation. In making its decisions on
an individuals compensation, the Compensation Committee
considers the nature and scope of all elements of an
executives total compensation package, the
executives responsibilities and his or her effectiveness
in supporting Company performance.
The Compensation Committee strives to align each component of
the executives compensation as well as the total
compensation opportunity with the competitive market and the
Companys objectives. Generally, as employees move to
higher levels of responsibility with greater ability to
influence the Companys results, a greater proportion of
pay will be at risk and dependent on Company
performance. The Compensation Committees goal is to strike
the appropriate balance among base salary, annual incentives,
and long-term incentives, and it may adjust the allocation of
pay to best meet the Companys objectives, including
objectives with respect to retention in light of the
Companys current circumstances, or maintain compensation
equity with the competitive market in which the Company competes
for executive talent.
of Executive Compensation
For 2009, total direct compensation for the named executive
officers consisted of three key elements: base salary,
performance-based annual incentive, and performance-based and
time-based long-term incentive compensation. The chart below
shows the relative proportion of each program (based on target
Related to the CEO
Salary: $900,000
Target Annual Incentive: $900,000 (100% of base salary)
Target Long-Term Incentive: $2,250,000 (250% of base salary)
Fixed vs. Variable Pay
Short-Term vs. Long-Term Incentive Pay
Cash vs. Equity-Based Pay
Fixed 22%
Short-Term 29%
Cash 37%
(Base Salary)
(Annual Incentive Value)
(Salary + 65% of Annual Incentive Value)
Variable 78%
Long-Term 71%
Equity-Based 63%
(Annual + Long-Term Incentive Value)
(Long-Term Incentive Value)
(35% of Annual Incentive Value +
Long-Term Incentive Value)
Related to the Other Named Executive Officers
Salary: $370,000 $470,000 (Range)
Target Annual Incentive: $259,000 $329,000 (70% of
base salary)
Target Long-Term Incentive: $518,000 $846,000 (140%
of base salary to 180% of base salary)
Fixed vs. Variable Pay
Short-Term vs. Long-Term Incentive Pay
Cash vs. Equity-Based Pay
Short-Term 28-33%
Cash 42-47%
(Base Salary)
(Annual Incentive Value)
(Salary + 65% of Annual Incentive Value)
Long-Term 67-72%
Equity-Based 53-58%
(Annual + Long-Term Incentive Value)
(Long-Term Incentive Value)
(35% of Annual Incentive Value +
Long-Term Incentive Value)
Regarding Mix of Total Direct Compensation
The target value of long-term incentives is more than double
that of the annual incentive to weight an executives
compensation toward a focus on long-term rather than short-term
The amount of variable or at-risk compensation is
higher for the Chief Executive Officer than the other named
executive officers in light of his greater responsibility and
ability to influence the Companys results.
Annual incentives for 2009 performance (paid in 2010) were
payable 65% in cash and 35% in restricted stock. However, if an
executive had met his or her stock ownership guidelines, the
executive could have elected to receive a greater proportion of
his or her annual incentive in cash, up to 100% in cash.
Alternatively, an executive could have elected to receive a
greater proportion of his annual incentive in restricted stock
in lieu of cash. For annual incentives for 2010 performance (to
be paid in 2011), annual incentives will be paid 100% in cash.
Each year, using the resources and services of its compensation
consultant, the Compensation Committee evaluates compensation
levels for each of the executive officers of the Company. In
setting compensation for 2009, the Compensation Committee
reviewed and considered total compensation for each named
executive officer, including a review of tally sheets that
provide the value of (1) historic and current elements of
officers compensation (including savings plans, pension
plans, health and welfare benefits and perquisites);
(2) stock, stock options and restricted stock units held by
the executive at year-end in the Companys incentive and
benefits plans; and (3) a review of compensation that would
be paid upon termination of employment under various scenarios.
The base salary element of compensation is intended to provide a
stable annual salary at a level consistent with individual
contributions. The Compensation Committee recommends base salary
levels for executive officers to the Board of Directors for its
approval. The Compensation Committee consults with the Chief
Executive Officer with respect to the recommended base salaries
for the other officers.
USEC is engaged in a complicated, unique and technologically
sophisticated business, whose success will have a major impact
on the nations energy, environmental and national security
goals. The success of our business depends on our ability to
retain key executives, managers and other skilled personnel,
some of whom have been involved in the development of centrifuge
technology since the early 1980s and whose experience is
virtually irreplaceable. In light of the unique qualifications
and experience of our key executives and the importance of
retaining these executives during the Companys critical
transition period, beginning in 2008, following a review of
executive pay and consultation with its compensation consultant,
the Compensation Committee decided to position base salaries to
approximately the 75th percentile of the market, as
determined using market data provided to the Compensation
Committee by Watson Wyatt, which includes a combination of
commercially available pooled survey data and Peer Group data.
Watson Wyatt averages the data from the Peer Group with the
survey data to create the market data reviewed by the
Compensation Committee. In setting individual base salaries,
consideration is given to (1) the performance of the
Company; (2) the individual performance of each executive;
(3) the executives scope of responsibility in
relation to other officers and key executives within the
Company; and (4) any retention issues. In evaluating
performance, the Compensation Committee considers the
recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer with respect to
the performance and contribution of individual named executive
officers and also considers the performance measures under the
Annual Incentive Program. Base salaries are set at the beginning
of the year at the same time that annual incentive awards for
the prior year are made under the Annual Incentive Program.
As part of the Companys previously described cash
conservation efforts, the Compensation Committee froze the base
salaries for the named executive officers for 2009 at the 2008
level. The base salaries of the named executive officers for
2009 were between approximately 81% and 97% of the
75th percentile of the market as determined by the
compensation consultant. For 2010, the following adjustments
were made to the base salaries for certain of the named
executive officers in order to bring these named executive
officers closer to the 75th percentile of the market. Base
salaries for all other named executive officers, including the
Chief Executive Officer, and the majority of other officers were
frozen for the second consecutive year. Following these
adjustments, the base salaries of the named executive officers
were between approximately 94% and 104% of the 75th percentile
of the market as determined by the compensation consultant.
2009 Salary
2010 Salary
John K. Welch
John C. Barpoulis
Philip G. Sewell
Robert Van Namen
W. Lance Wright
Base salaries affect other elements of total compensation,
including annual incentives, long-term incentives, and
retirement benefits. In setting base salaries for the named
executive officers, the Compensation Committee considers the
effects on other elements of total compensation.
The Company has established an Annual Incentive Program to
reward the achievement of critical annual financial and
operational performance goals. Under the Annual Incentive
Program, executive officers and certain other key employees have
the opportunity to earn an annual incentive based on the
achievement of pre-determined annual performance objectives.
Executive officers may earn between 0% and 150% of their target
annual incentive based on a combination of Company financial and
individual performance measures described below. The Annual
Incentive Program is a subset of the Companys 2009 Equity
Incentive Plan, a shareholder approved plan.
Form of Awards. Annual incentive awards for
2009 were payable 65% in cash and 35% in restricted stock. As
discussed above, for 2008 awards paid in 2009, executives were
required to take 50% of their annual incentive award in
restricted stock in order to conserve cash and Mr. Welch
elected to take his entire annual incentive award in restricted
stock. This restriction was not continued for 2009 awards paid
in 2010. The restricted stock portion of the award is granted
seven days after the release of the Companys annual
earnings and vests one year from the date of grant, subject to
accelerated vesting in certain circumstances. The number of
shares of restricted stock to be issued is calculated based on
the New York Stock Exchanges closing price of the
Companys common stock on the date of grant. The
Compensation Committee determined that including a restricted
stock component in the annual incentive for 2009 would conserve
cash, provide the executive with an additional incentive to
maintain shareholder value, further link Company management and
shareholders, promote executive ownership and act as a
management retention vehicle.
Normally, if a named executive officer has met his stock
ownership guidelines, he is viewed as having already built a
significant ownership stake in the Company and is entitled to
receive his entire annual incentive award in cash. If instead he
elects to receive any portion of his annual incentive award in
the form of restricted stock he would receive an additional
incentive payment of restricted stock (that also vests one year
from the date of grant) equal to 20% of the portion of the
annual incentive that he took in restricted stock in lieu of
cash. For 2009, all of the named executive officers had
satisfied their stock ownership guidelines and elected to take
their entire annual incentive award for 2009 in cash.
In recognition that all of the named executive officers had
satisfied their stock ownership guidelines and had already built
up substantial USEC equity, in February 2010, the Compensation
Committee determined that 2010 annual incentives for named
executive officers will be paid in 100% in cash (but that
officers could still elect to receive any portion of his annual
incentive award in the form of restricted stock and receive the
incentive payment described above). This change was determined
by the Committee to be important for retention reasons and to
also be consistent with the form of payment of annual incentive
awards by most of USECs peers. The Compensation Committee
retained the discretion to direct that a portion of a
participants annual incentive be paid in restricted stock
if such participant is not making sufficient progress in
achieving his stock ownership guidelines.
Target Levels. Target annual incentive levels
are set by the Compensation Committee in consultation with its
compensation consultant. The Compensation Committee uses
commercially available survey data (previously described) and
analysis by its compensation consultant to compare annual
incentive payments to the market. For 2009, total base salary
and target annual incentive awards for the named executive
officers were positioned at approximately the 75th percentile of
the market. For 2009, target levels were set based on a
percentage of the executives base salary, as follows:
Target Level
Provides executives with the motivation
and reward to perform at the highest level in achieving critical
annual financial and operating objectives.
Other named executive officers
Goal of targeting the named executive
officers base salary plus the annual incentive to a
competitive level.
Performance Measures. For 2009 annual
incentive awards, our Compensation Committee set the performance
measures as described in the table below:
Performance Measure
Corporate Quantitative Goals
Gross profit margin percentage (30%)
Gross profit margin percentage is an
important measure of the Companys operational
Cash flow from operations before
American Centrifuge expense, interest and taxes (Adjusted
cash flow from operations) (25%)
Adjusted cash flow from operations is a
non-GAAP measure of cash created by existing operations with a
slightly lower weighting due to potential timing variances.
American Centrifuge expense is excluded because it is covered by
the ACP earned value metric (described below). Interest and
taxes are excluded because most members of management cannot
influence these factors.
American Centrifuge project
(ACP) earned value (35%) (measures project
performance quantitatively by comparing work completed against
work planned at a given date in the project schedule)
ACP earned value is an important
non-GAAP measure of managements progress on the ACP for
capital invested, and is weighted most heavily because of its
strategic importance.
Selling, general and administrative
(SG&A) expense, not including other compensation and stock
based compensation (Adjusted SG&A expense)
Adjusted SG&A expense is a non-GAAP
measure of controllable overhead expenses. Other compensation
and stock based compensation are excluded because they can be
influenced by stock price volatility and other subjective
Key Performance Objectives
Individual performance measures weighted
between 10% and 30%
Based on the Companys strategic
initiatives and operating plan. The weight of each of the key
performance objectives varied by individual based on their areas
of responsibility.
Each corporate financial performance measure, or corporate
quantitative goal, comprises threshold, target and maximum
performance levels, which, if achieved, results in payments of
0%, 100% and 150% of that target financial performance measure
component, respectively. Proportional payments are made for
achievement between threshold, target and maximum performance
levels. If the threshold corporate financial performance is not
achieved, no amount is paid for that financial performance
measure component and threshold levels are set based on a
minimum level of expected performance. The target levels were
set based on the Companys budget for 2009 and the maximum
levels were set based on stretch targets taking into account
potential opportunities for management to effect positive
impacts and were not designed to encourage or reward the taking
of excessive or unnecessary risk. The table below describes the
corporate quantitative goal target and achievement levels for
Gross Profit
Adjusted Cash
Flow from
ACP Earned
Adjusted SG&A
Percentage (30%)
Operations (25%)
Value (35%)
Expense (10%)
Maximum (150%)
$420 million
$39 million
Target (100%)
$370 million
$43 million
Threshold (0%)
$270 million
$47 million
Actual Performance (72%, adjusted to 65%)
10.1% (89%)
$566.2 million (150%)
N/A (0%)*
$45.0 million (80%)
* |
For the period January to March 2009, ACP earned value
performance was 0.94. However, American Centrifuge project
spending was reduced in early 2009 in order to preserve
corporate liquidity and the American Centrifuge project was
demobilized beginning in August 2009. Accordingly, for the
period April 2009 to December 2009, ACP earned value performance
could not be measured because USEC had slowed American
Centrifuge project spending and was no longer operating against
the project cost and schedule baseline that is used for
calculating ACP earned value. No partial year credit was given
to ACP earned value and ACP earned value was scored by the
Compensation Committee at 0% of target.
The Annual Incentive Program permits the Compensation Committee
to provide for a positive or negative adjustment of performance.
As a result of the performance of the Company in 2009, including
in particular the lack of achievement of financing objectives
related to the American Centrifuge project in 2009, in addition
to scoring ACP earned value at 0% of target, the Compensation
Committee, utilizing its discretion, determined to reduce the
overall corporate quantitative goal performance achievement
level for 2009 from 72% to 65%.
For 2010, the corporate quantitative goals will no longer
include an ACP earned value performance goal, but will instead
also include: (1) a measure of the cash received from the
resolution of outstanding incurred cost submissions and the
approval of revised billing rates in the government services
segment, and (2) total shareholder return, as measured by
USECs total shareholder return compared to the S&P
For 2009, the Compensation Committee set specific individual
performance measures for our Chief Executive Officer and adopted
specific individual performance measures recommended by the
Chief Executive Officer for our remaining named executive
officers (which flow down from the key performance objectives
established for the Chief Executive Officer). The 2009 key
performance objectives for the Chief Executive Officer and the
other named executive officers included objectives aimed at the
following five objectives. As detailed in the table below, the
2009 key performance objectives were all designed to achieve the
Companys strategic business plan and accordingly were
designed to be achievable and not to encourage or reward
excessive or unnecessary risk, but to require a substantial
effort and initiative on the part of the individual named
executive officers.
Key Performance Objective
Strengthen near-term performance of the
business primarily through actions to control costs and increase
revenues, without compromising safety and security.
Achievement of initiatives relating to
improving gross profit and cash flow from operations compared to
projections and controlling costs involve substantial effort and
initiative, including efforts with respect to contracting,
managing electric power costs, and improving plant operations.
Meet critical overall design,
performance and deployment objectives relating to the
Companys American Centrifuge Plant.
The American Centrifuge project is a
unique project and the Companys deployment schedule and
objectives are ambitious; therefore achievement of this
objective is subject to a number of uncertainties and involves
substantial effort and initiative.
Operate a cascade of AC100 centrifuge
machines as part of our Lead Cascade test program in early 2009
to confirm key commercial plant operational parameters.
Achievement of objectives relating to
American Centrifuge project Lead Cascade operations involve
meeting ambitious targets and schedule with respect to the
assembly and startup of machines in our Lead Cascade test
program and involve substantial effort and initiative.
Implement recommendations of the
transition plan team regarding transition to a centrifuge
production-based business model. Develop and implement
organizational revisions required by new business model.
Due to the number of risks and
uncertainties facing the Company, implementation of a smooth
transition plan involves a great deal of strategic planning and
substantial effort and initiative.
Execute American Centrifuge Plant
long-term SWU sales contracts with customers that meet corporate
objectives and support financing needs. Execute third party
financing plan and revised business structure for American
Centrifuge project investment. Obtain DOE loan guarantee
commitment and funding. Ensure that USEC maintains sufficient
liquidity to meet all Company needs.
This includes contracting for output
from the American Centrifuge Plant and securing the significant
amount of capital needed to complete construction of the
American Centrifuge Plant, both of which are challenging because
of the uncertainties relating to the American Centrifuge Plant;
therefore achievement of this objective involves substantial
effort and initiative.
As a result of the decision of the DOE in August 2009 to delay
making a decision with respect to USECs loan guarantee
application for the American Centrifuge project and the
subsequent demobilization of the American Centrifuge project,
USECs strategic business plan had been significantly
revised during the year and the Compensation Committee
determined that significant portions of the 2009 key performance
objectives previously approved by the Compensation Committee
were no longer appropriately tied to the Corporations
strategic business plan and therefore were not achieving their
intended objectives. As a result, the Compensation Committee
approved revised individual key performance objectives effective
August 1, 2009. The original five 2009 key performance
objectives remained in effect for the period January 1,
2009 to July 31, 2009 and comprised 7/12ths of an
individuals performance measure and the revised key
performance objectives were in effect for the period
August 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 and comprised
5/12ths of an individuals performance measure. No changes
were made to the 2009 corporate quantitative goals. The revised
key performance objectives are detailed in the table below:
Revised Key Performance Objective
Strengthen near-term performance of the
business primarily through actions to control costs and increase
revenues, without compromising safety and security. [This key
performance objective was unchanged from the objective in effect
from January 1, 2009 through July 31, 2009.]
Achievement of initiatives relating to
improving gross profit and cash flow from operations compared to
projections and controlling costs involve substantial effort and
initiative, including efforts with respect to contracting,
managing electric power costs, and improving plant operations.
Based on the DOE decision to defer its
loan guarantee final review, take restructuring and
demobilization actions as needed to ensure USECs financial
viability and preserve the future value of the American
Centrifuge project. Mitigate the cost of disruptions caused by
restructuring and demobilization activities on the value of the
American Centrifuge project.
The demobilization and restructuring of
the American Centrifuge project includes increased costs and
significant disruption to the project that is challenging to
manage and involves substantial effort and initiative, in
particular, relations with suppliers and efforts to obtain
additional development funding from DOE.
Based on the DOE decision to defer its
loan guarantee final review, take steps to address DOEs
technical and financial concerns.
This includes achievement of objectives
relating to American Centrifuge project Lead Cascade operations,
continued development efforts to further improve reliability,
efforts to reduce perceived project risk, and other steps to
improve the projects financial structure. Achievement in
these areas requires significant effort and initiative.
Evaluate strategic alternatives to the
existing business structure. Retain American Centrifuge Plant
sales commitments that can either support American Centrifuge
Plant production, or be profitably sourced by a backup supply.
Provide recommended alternatives to the Board prior to the end
of 2009.
This includes identifying and pursing
alternatives to enhance value to USEC and its shareholders and
requires significant effort and initiative. Due to the number of
risks and uncertainties facing the Company, retention of
customers can also be challenging.
Identify near term transition actions
that can enhance value in the event a DOE loan guarantee is not
obtained or is delayed significantly. Prepare for implementation
in early 2010.
This involves planning for extended
gaseous diffusion plant operations, pursuing increased revenues
from government services, and successfully resolving government
services audit and other issues. This requires substantial
effort and initiative, including efforts with respect to plant
operations and performance, contracting, and negotiating with
Engage key contacts at critical
government departments in a structured dialogue to determine a
baseline assessment of the working relationship with USEC and
the plan of action to improve the relationship and increase the
likelihood of positive outcomes.
This includes evaluating strengths and
weaknesses of current relationships and identifying steps for
improvement, communicating USECs role in supporting policy
objectives, and leveraging third party relationships. These
efforts require significant coordination, effort and initiative.
For individual named executive officers (other than the Chief
Executive Officer), their particular objectives were a more
detailed subset of these objectives with a focus on such named
executive officers functional area. For example,
Mr. Barpoulis specific objectives as Chief Financial
Officer generally related to financial and accounting matters;
Mr. Sewells specific objectives as Senior Vice
President, American Centrifuge and Russian HEU generally related
to American Centrifuge and Russian highly enriched uranium (HEU)
program management matters; Mr. Van Namens specific
objectives as Senior Vice President, Uranium Enrichment
generally related to uranium enrichment operations and marketing
and sales matters; and Mr. Wrights specific
objectives as Senior Vice President, Human Resources and
Administration generally related to functions providing
centralized information technology, human resources and security
support to the Company. There are no individual performance
factors in addition to, and separate from, the factors listed in
the tables above and each of the named executive officers
key performance objectives were designed to be difficult to
achieve and to challenge the executive as set forth in the
tables above.
The Compensation Committee reviews and approves the achievement
level and incentive payment for each named executive officer
under the Annual Incentive Program and has the authority under
the 2009 Equity Incentive Plan to reduce the value of awards.
The achievement levels and incentive payment percentages
approved by the Compensation Committee for the named executive
officers for 2009 are summarized in the table below. The key
performance objective achievement levels for the executives
shown in the table below reflect reductions made by the
Compensation Committee, utilizing its discretion, to take into
account the performance of the Company in 2009:
Key Performance
Annual Incentive
Quantitative Goals
Award (as a
Achievement Level
Achievement Level
percentage of
John K. Welch
John C. Barpoulis
Philip G. Sewell
Robert Van Namen
W. Lance Wright
Incentive Compensation
The Compensation Committee is committed to long-term equity
incentive programs for executives that promote the long-term
growth and success of the Company. The long-term incentive
compensation is designed to ensure that the executive
decision-making process maintains a balanced focus on both
immediate measures of success and on the effective growth and
development of the business three to five years in the future.
The Long-Term Incentive Program under the shareholder-approved
2009 Equity Incentive Plan is designed to make annual grants of
restricted stock and non-qualified stock options with vesting
periods of three years to executive officers and other program
participants. The Long-Term Incentive Program for 2009 also
includes a performance component described below under
2009 Performance Plan. In consultation with its
compensation consultant, the Compensation Committee established
stock option and restricted stock award levels that are designed
to provide the executive with total direct compensation (base
salary, annual incentives and long-term incentives) at a
competitive level. For 2009, total target long-term incentive
awards for the named executive officers were positioned at
approximately the 75th percentile of the market.
Annualized target award levels for named executive officers
under the Long-Term Incentive Program for 2009 ranged from 140%
to 250% of base salary depending on the executives
position, and were comprised of the following (as more fully
described below):
Annualized Target
Percentage of Annualized Long-Term Incentive Value
Long-Term Incentive Value
Restricted Stock
Stock Option
(as a Multiple of Base Salary)
Performance Plan
Other named executive officers
1.4X to 1.8X
29% to 33%
29% to 33%
33% to 43%
Restricted Stock Awards. Named executive
officers (and other program participants) receive an annual
grant of restricted stock as a part of their long-term
incentive. The value of the grant is equal to a percentage of
the named executive officers base salary as follows:
2009 Target %
(of base salary)
John K. Welch
John C. Barpoulis
Philip G. Sewell
Robert Van Namen
W. Lance Wright
These shares are granted by the Compensation Committee based on
fair market value on the date of grant and vest ratably over
three years, subject to accelerated vesting under certain
circumstances. This grant of restricted stock has no performance
component associated with it. It is a time-based award designed
as a retention-based component in achieving market-based total
direct compensation for the executive. It is also designed to
help increase share ownership by the executive officers. It is
the Compensation Committees belief that stock awards
combined with the Companys requirement for executive
officers to hold significant levels of Company stock provide a
direct incentive to achieve the longer-term performance goals
for the Company.
Stock Option Awards. Named executive officers
(and certain other program participants) also receive an annual
grant of non-qualified stock options. The value of the grant is
equal to a percentage of the named executive officers base
salary as follows:
2009 Target %
(of base salary)
John K. Welch
John C. Barpoulis
Philip G. Sewell
Robert Van Namen
W. Lance Wright
Stock options are valued using the Black-Scholes methodology and
values are calculated with the assistance of the compensation
consultant. It is the Companys policy that stock option
grants are made seven days after the release of the
Companys annual earnings and are awarded at the New York
Stock Exchanges closing price of the Companys common
stock on the date of grant. Stock option grants vest ratably
over three years and expire five years after grant, subject to
accelerated vesting under certain circumstances. Each named
executive officers 2009 grant of stock options is detailed
on the Grants of Plan-Based Awards in Fiscal Year 2009 table.
While a number of organizations have eliminated or significantly
reduced stock option grants to executives, the Compensation
Committee believes that stock options are an effective way to
focus executives on ensuring the long-term performance of the
Company. In addition, the Compensation Committee believes they
are an effective tool in aligning the interests of the executive
officers and shareholders toward sustained, long-term stock
performance. Consequently, they remain a significant component
of the incentive mix.
2009 Performance Plan. Prior to 2009, USEC
utilized a three-year performance component of the
Companys long-term incentive program in which the named
executive officers participated (the Executive Incentive
Plan). December 31, 2008 marked the end of the
2006 2008 performance period and awards were paid
out in cash in early 2009. In 2009, in light of general economic
and market conditions and the short-term uncertainty facing the
Company with respect to the financing of the American Centrifuge
project, which impacts the project cost and schedule, the
Compensation Committee determined to postpone the implementation
of a new three-year Executive Incentive Plan and instead to
replace the Executive Incentive Plan for 2009 with a one-year
performance based award that vests over three years (the
2009 Performance Plan). Under the 2009 Performance
Plan, executives were awarded the right to earn shares of
restricted stock of the Company that vest ratably over three
years from March 4, 2009.
Target awards for the named executive officers were based on a
percentage of the executives base salary as follows:
Annualized Value
(as a % of base salary)
Other named executive officers
This amount was equal to the annualized value of the
2006 2008 Executive Incentive Plan that it was
replacing. The target number of shares of restricted stock was
calculated based on the Companys stock price on
March 4, 2009 (seven days after the release of earnings for
the year ended December 31, 2008).
Actual awards were determined by performance of the Company
during the period January 1, 2009 through December 31,
2009 against a pre-determined performance goal relating to
ensuring sufficient liquidity for ongoing Company operations and
attracting capital to support the financing of the
Companys American Centrifuge Plant. Participants were
eligible to receive from 80% (threshold) to 120% (maximum) of
their target award based on performance, with performance below
80% (threshold) level resulting in no award. Awards were settled
on March 8, 2010.
Performance Goal
To ensure sufficient liquidity for ongoing Company operations
and attract capital to support the financing of the
Companys American Centrifuge Plant
Threshold (80%): Ensure sufficient
liquidity to fund ongoing Company operations.
Intended to provide a minimum level of
benefit while still providing a level of incentive aligned with
ensuring liquidity for ongoing Company operations.
Target (100%): Receive financing that
will allow USEC to move forward with an economically viable
American Centrifuge project.
Because of uncertainties relating to the
American Centrifuge project and the significant amount of
capital needed, financing for the project is challenging to
obtain. This objective was intended to not necessarily require a
loan guarantee for achievement but to provide incentive to
management to obtain financing to continue the project.
Maximum (120%): Receive commitment(s)
for the financing of the 3.8 million SWU per year
centrifuge enrichment plant.
As a result of the financial needs of
the project and USECs credit profile, achievement of this
objective would have required a loan guarantee from DOE, which
was subject to a number of uncertainties, including matters
outside of managements control.
Actual Performance:
Threshold (80%)
Each named executive officers payout is included in the
Summary Compensation Table under Stock Awards for 2009.
In light of the difficulty in setting appropriate long-term
performance targets in early 2010 given the Companys
business circumstances, the Compensation Committee determined
not to continue the 2009 Performance Plan in 2010 but instead to
fold it into the annual grant of restricted stock by increasing
the annualized target levels of time-vested restricted stock for
the named executive officers by an equivalent amount. While this
had the effect of reducing overall performance-based
compensation, the Committee wanted to maintain target long-term
incentive compensation for 2010 at current levels in light of
retention concerns and the need to continue to motivate
executives in light of the Companys current business
circumstances and believes that the executives are appropriately
motivated to achieve specific performance goals by the Annual
Incentive Program.
The changes approved to the annualized award levels of
restricted stock for the named executive officers for 2010 are
as follows:
Restricted Stock
Plus: Performance Plan
Restricted Stock
2009 Percentage
2009 Annualized Target Value
2010 Percentage
(of base salary)
(% of base salary)
(of base salary)
John K. Welch
John C. Barpoulis
Philip G. Sewell
Robert Van Namen
W. Lance Wright
No changes were made to the annualized award levels of stock
options for the named executive officers for 2010.
The Compensation Committee believes that placing a significant
portion of executive officer compensation opportunity in equity
sends a clear message that a primary role of the executive
officer is in building the long-term value of the Company, and
that his own long-term wealth is tied to the long-term success
of the Company.
The Company provides its executive officers with benefits that
are described below and that are intended to be a part of a
competitive compensation package that provides health, welfare
and retirement programs comparable to those provided to
employees and executives at other companies in similar
industries. All employees of USEC Inc., including the named
executive officers, are eligible to participate in the USEC
Savings Program. In addition, all employees of USEC Inc. other
than certain American Centrifuge employees and any non-union
employees hired on or after September 1, 2008 are eligible
to participate in the Employees Retirement Plan of USEC
In addition, named executive officers and other executives
designated by the Company are entitled to participate in the
USEC Inc. Executive Deferred Compensation Plan and the Pension
Restoration Plan. Each of the named executive officers also
participates in a supplemental executive retirement plan. The
benefit plan descriptions here and in the Pension Benefits in
Fiscal Year 2009 table provide an explanation of the major
features of these benefit plans.
Savings Plans. Named executive officers have
the opportunity to participate in two defined contribution
savings plans: The USEC Savings Program and the USEC Inc.
Executive Deferred Compensation Plan.
The USEC Savings Program is a tax-qualified broad-based 401(k)
employee savings plan. USEC Inc. employees, including the named
executive officers, are able to contribute the lesser of up to
50% of their annual base salary or dollar limits established
annually by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The
Company will match 100% of the first 3% of pay that is
contributed to the USEC Savings Program and 50% on the next 2%
of pay contributed. Employee contributions are fully vested upon
contribution and Company match contributions vest 50% after two
years of service and 100% after three years of service. Those
USEC Inc. employees who are not eligible to participate in the
Employees Retirement Plan of USEC Inc. are provided an
enhanced employer matching contribution under the USEC Savings
In addition to the USEC Savings Program, during 2009, executives
designated by the Company, including the named executive
officers, could participate in the USEC Inc. Executive Deferred
Compensation Plan (the Deferred Compensation Plan).
Mr. Welch, Mr. Van Namen, and Mr. Wright
participated in the Deferred Compensation Plan in 2009. The
Deferred Compensation Plan is intended to be a non-qualified
deferred compensation plan that complies with the regulations of
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended. The Deferred Compensation Plan replaced the USEC Inc.
401(k) Restoration Plan, effective January 1, 2008. Account
balances under the 401(k) Restoration Plan were transferred to
the Deferred
Compensation Plan. Participation in the Deferred Compensation
Plan is not limited to the Companys officers but also
includes a select group of management and highly compensated
employees. Participants in the Deferred Compensation Plan may
defer up to a maximum of 90% and a minimum of 5% of base salary
and a maximum of 100% and a minimum of 5% of cash bonus amounts
received through the Companys incentive compensation
programs. The Company matches participant contributions under
the Deferred Compensation Plan at the rate that would apply if
they had been contributed to the USEC Savings Program without
regard for any statutory limitations, reduced by amounts
contributed to the USEC Savings Program. A participant may
receive a distribution from the Deferred Compensation Plan upon
a qualifying distribution event such as a separation from
service, disability, death, or in-service distribution on a
specified date, change in control or an unforeseeable emergency
all as defined in the plan. Distributions from the Deferred
Compensation Plan will be made in cash in a lump sum, annual
installments, or a combination of both, in the manner elected by
the participant and provided for in the plan.
Participants in the USEC Savings Program direct the investment
of their account balances among various funds available under
the plan. Deferred Compensation Plan accounts are deemed to be
invested in a number of mutual funds made available for
designation by the participant.
Pension Plans. Named executive officers have
the opportunity to participate in a qualified pension plan, a
pension restoration plan and one of two supplemental executive
retirement plans (each, a SERP).
The Employees Retirement Plan of USEC Inc. is a broad
based, tax-qualified defined benefit pension plan whose maximum
benefits are limited by legislation, while the USEC Inc. Pension
Restoration Plan is a non-qualified supplemental pension benefit
that is designed to continue the accrual of pension benefits
that exceed the legislated limits under the Employees
Retirement Plan of USEC Inc. All officers, including the named
executive officers, who are eligible for the qualified pension
plan and whose compensation exceeds the qualified plan limits
are automatically enrolled in the USEC Inc. Pension Restoration
Plan. Information regarding the calculation of benefits under
the Employees Retirement Plan of USEC Inc. and the USEC
Inc. Pension Restoration Plan can be found in the narrative
accompanying the Pension Benefits in Fiscal Year 2009 table.
The Company also maintains two SERPs. The USEC Inc. 1999
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (the 1999
SERP) was approved by the Compensation Committee in 1999
and Mr. Sewell is the only active participant. No
additional participants were added after 2001. The 1999 SERP
provides Mr. Sewell with a benefit calculated in the form
of a monthly annuity equal to 55% of his final average
compensation, with offsets for benefits received under the
Companys retirement programs and any U.S. government
retirement program to which the Company contributed, and Social
Security benefits. More information regarding the calculation of
benefits payable to Mr. Sewell under the 1999 SERP can be
found in the narrative accompanying the Pension Benefits in
Fiscal Year 2009 table.
Messrs. Welch, Barpoulis, Van Namen and Wright participate
in the USEC Inc. 2006 Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
(the 2006 SERP). As applicable to Mr. Welch,
the 2006 SERP incorporates the terms of a SERP agreed to by the
Company in September 2005 in connection with setting
Mr. Welchs initial terms of employment. The Company
agreed to provide Mr. Welch with a SERP that generally
provided for a benefit equal to 30% of final average pay with
five years of service, increasing to 50% with ten or more years
of service, with offsets for benefits received under the
Companys other retirement programs and Social Security
benefits. The 2006 SERP was designed to be less expensive than
the 1999 SERP.
As applicable to other participants, the 2006 SERP provides for
a monthly supplemental retirement benefit equal to 2.5% of final
average pay for each year of service, to a maximum benefit of
50% after 20 years of service, with offsets for benefits
received under the Companys other retirement programs and
Social Security benefits. In determining to implement the 2006
SERP and determining the level of benefits to be provided, the
Compensation Committee worked with its compensation consultant
and reviewed tally sheets that showed the value of total
compensation paid to executives. More information regarding the
calculation of benefits under the 2006 SERP can be found in the
narrative accompanying the Pension Benefits in Fiscal Year 2009
Participation in the 2006 SERP is contingent on the
participants agreeing to comply with certain restrictive
covenants relating to confidentiality, non-competition and
non-solicitation of Company employees for a period of time
following his termination of employment.
Executive Severance Plan. The Compensation
Committee believes that in the absence of employment agreements
between the Company and its key employees, it is appropriate to
have a reasonable severance policy in place in order to
attenuate concerns about short-term continuity of income and
allow executives to focus on the Companys business. The
USEC Inc. Executive Severance Plan (the Executive
Severance Plan) was approved by the Board in 2008 and is
intended to be an unfunded welfare plan subject to the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended. Payment and
benefit levels under the Executive Severance Plan were set in
2008 by the Compensation Committee, in consultation with its
compensation consultant, at a level determined to be competitive
and reasonable with respect to the intent of the program and
consistent with an earlier executive severance policy.
Under the Executive Severance Plan, if an executive officer is
terminated by the Company without cause, he is eligible to
receive his current base salary and a prorated share of his
current annual incentive (payable at the end of the performance
period based on actual performance) up to the date of
termination. In addition, lump sum cash severance equal to one
years base salary at his current rate and an amount equal
to his final average bonus (generally the average of his last
three years annual incentive awards, both cash and
restricted stock) would be paid. He would also receive
continuation of medical and dental coverage as well as life
insurance paid for by the Company for one year after termination
(or until he received similar coverage from a subsequent
employer, whichever occurs first) and outplacement assistance
services. Severance benefits are contingent upon the executive
executing a release and agreeing to comply with certain
restrictive covenants relating to non-competition and
non-solicitation of Company employees for one year following his
termination of employment. No severance is paid to an employee
who is terminated for cause or who resigns voluntarily.
In addition, if an employee is terminated by the Company other
than for cause, all unvested restricted stock (that vests based
on performance of service) and all stock options would vest and
the employee would have up to one year to exercise all vested
stock options.
Change in Control Agreements. The Compensation
Committee believes that change in control agreements are an
important tool for executive retention and the retention of
other key employees. The Company has entered into change in
control agreements with each of the named executive officers.
These agreements have an initial term of three years, which is
automatically extended for additional one-year periods unless
the Board of Directors has given notice of non-renewal. Upon a
change in control, the agreements will expire no earlier than
three years following the date that the change in control
occurs. A change in control is generally defined as the
acquisition by a person of 30% or more of the voting power of
the Company, a change in the majority of the Companys
Board, the consummation of certain mergers or consolidations
involving the Company, a sale or disposition of 40% or more of
the Companys assets, or a liquidation of the Company
involving the sale of at least 40% of the Companys assets.
Payment and benefit levels under the change in control
agreements were set when these agreements were put into place
and were based on an assessment by the Compensation Committee of
what was competitive and reasonable with respect to the intent
of the program. The Compensation Committee periodically reviews
the payment and benefit level under these agreements.
The change in control agreements provide each named executive
officer with certain benefits if there is a change in control of
the Company and within a protected period
beginning three months before and ending three years after that
change in control (the protected period) the Company
terminates his employment for any reason other than cause, or
the executive terminates his employment for good
reason (as defined in the agreement). The Compensation
Committee believes this double trigger is
appropriate because the purpose of the change in control
agreements is to provide enhanced severance protection and not
to provide a windfall
upon the change in control. These benefits are in lieu of any
severance benefits the named executive officer would otherwise
be eligible to receive under the Companys Executive
Severance Plan. In order to receive these benefits, the named
executive officer must comply with the non-competition,
non-solicitation, and confidentiality provisions of the change
in control agreement during the term of the agreement and for a
period thereafter.
Under the terms of each named executive officers change in
control agreement, if during a protected period he is terminated
other than for cause or terminates his employment for good
reason, he would receive a cash payment of his unpaid base
salary through the date of termination plus all other amounts to
which he was entitled under any compensation or benefit plan of
the Company under the terms of such plans. In addition, as a
change in control payment, he would receive a cash lump sum
payment equal to 2.5 times the sum of his final base salary and
his final average bonus (generally the average of his last three
years annual incentive awards, both cash and restricted
stock). In addition, under the terms of each agreement, the
Company would provide him and his dependents with continuation
of life, accident and health insurance benefits for
2.5 years following the occurrence of the change in control
or, if sooner, until he is covered by comparable programs of a
subsequent employer. In addition, the executive will receive 2.5
additional years of service for purposes of retirement plan
benefits under the SERPs. If the executive receives payments,
whether or not under his or her agreement that would subject him
to any federal excise tax due under Section 4999 of the
Internal Revenue Code, the executive will also receive a cash
payment equal to the amount of such excise tax.
In addition, if an employee is terminated by the Company other
than for cause (or by the participant for good reason)
coincident with or following a change in control, all unvested
restricted stock and stock options would vest and the employee
would have up to one year to exercise all vested stock options.
For details of payments under the above arrangements, see the
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control table.
The Company maintains a limited number of perquisites for senior
executive officers. These include an annual financial counseling
allowance of $7,500 ($15,000 for the Chief Executive Officer)
and an annual executive physical valued at approximately $4,000.
In addition, the Company reimburses the Chief Executive Officer
for annual dues for up to two business or social organizations
or clubs. Perquisites do not represent a significant
compensation element for any of the named executive officers.
of Previously Paid Bonuses
The Companys equity incentive plan includes a claw
back provision that requires repayment of all payments in
settlement of any awards earned or accrued during the
twelve-month period following the first public issuance or
filing with the SEC of a financial document that is subsequently
restated as a result of misconduct. The claw back applies to a
grantee who knowingly or through gross negligence engaged in or
failed to prevent the misconduct or who is subject to automatic
forfeiture under Section 304 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
Tax and
Accounting Treatments of Elements of Compensation
In its deliberations, the Compensation Committee considers the
potential impact of IRC Section 162(m). IRC
Section 162(m) currently disallows a tax deduction for the
Company for individual executive compensation exceeding
$1 million in any taxable year for the Chief Executive
Officer and the other three highest compensated officers (other
than the Chief Financial Officer), other than compensation that
is performance-based under a plan that is approved by the
shareholders of the Company and that meets certain other
technical requirements. Annual incentive awards and awards under
the 2009 Performance Plan are intended to meet the
performance-based compensation requirements, while base salary,
long-term incentive awards of time-vested restricted stock and
stock options are not. However, the mid-year adjustment to the
key performance objectives
under the 2009 Annual Incentive Program will affect the
tax-deductibility of this portion of the 2009 annual incentive
While the Compensation Committee designs certain components of
executive compensation to preserve deductibility, it believes
that shareholder interests are best served by not restricting
the Compensation Committees discretion and flexibility in
crafting compensation programs, even though such programs may
result in certain non-deductible compensation expenses.
Accordingly, the Compensation Committee may from time to time
approve compensation arrangements for certain officers that are
not fully deductible. Further, because of ambiguities and
uncertainties as to the application and interpretation of IRC
Section 162(m) and the regulations issued thereunder, no
assurance can be given, notwithstanding the Companys
efforts, that compensation intended by the Company to satisfy
the requirements for deductibility under IRC Section 162(m)
does in fact do so.
In addition, in structuring compensation arrangements, the
Compensation Committee intends to permit participants to avoid
potential tax penalties under IRC Section 409A. The
Compensation Committee also takes into account the impact of
payments by the Company to cover federal excise taxes due under
Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Compensation Committee considers the accounting and dilution
impact of equity awards made to executive officers. We account
for our equity incentive grants under FASB Accounting Standards
Codification Topic 718 and use the Black-Scholes option pricing
formula for determining the fair value of our stock option
Ownership Guidelines
Every executive officer and certain other employees must hold an
ownership stake in the Company that is significant in comparison
to their base salary. The Compensation Committee has established
stock ownership guidelines which apply to all executive officers
and certain other employees. The amount required to be retained
varies depending on the executives position. These
guidelines must generally be achieved within five years after
the person becomes subject to the guidelines. The stock
ownership guidelines that apply to each of the named executive
officers as well as their achievement as of December 31,
2009 are shown in the table below:
Number of
Stock Ownership Guideline
Years of
Ownership as
(number of shares)
of 12/31/09
John K. Welch
John C. Barpoulis
Philip G. Sewell
Robert Van Namen
W. Lance Wright
Committee Report
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis required by
Item 402(b) of
Regulation S-K
(Section 229.402(b)) with management. Based on this review
and discussions, the Compensation Committee recommended to the
Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
be included in this proxy statement.
Compensation Committee
H. William Habermeyer, Chairman
Joyce F. Brown
Joseph T. Doyle
John R. Hall
Compensation Table
The following table sets forth information regarding the
compensation of the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial
Officer, and the three other most highly paid executive officers
of the Company serving as executive officers at
December 31, 2009 (collectively, the named executive
officers), for the years ended December 31, 2007,
2008 and 2009.
Change in
Value and
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and
Principal Position
John K. Welch
President and CEO
John C. Barpoulis
Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Philip G. Sewell
Senior Vice President,
American Centrifuge and
Russian HEU
Robert Van Namen
Senior Vice President,
Uranium Enrichment
W. Lance Wright
Senior Vice President,
Human Resources and
(1) |
The Company had 27 pay periods in 2009, however, annual salaries
are calculated based on 26 pay periods. This additional pay
period is included in the amounts in the Salary column for 2009.
The amounts shown in the Salary column also include amounts paid
in a year for unused accrued vacation time. |
(2) |
The amounts shown in the Stock Awards column represents the
aggregate grant date fair value in the fiscal year related to
stock awards earned by the named executive officers, computed in
accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718. The amounts shown in the
Stock Awards column for a fiscal year include (a) awards
made to the named executive officers under the Companys
Long-Term Incentive Program during March of that year and
(b) the restricted stock portion of the awards earned by
the named executive officers under the Companys Annual
Incentive Program for that year based on the Compensation
Committees evaluation of each officers performance
during the year, which awards are paid in March of the following
year. For 2009, all awards to the named executive officers under
the Annual Incentive Program were paid 100% in cash and are
included in the Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation column.
In addition, the amount shown in the Stock Awards column for
2009 include the grant date fair value of awards (based on the
fair market value on March 8, 2010) made on
March 8, 2010 to each of the named executive officers under
the 2009 Performance Plan for the performance period
January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009 as follows:
Mr. Welch, $1,002,579; Mr. Barpoulis, $267,355;
Mr. Sewell, $314,141; Mr. Van Namen, $274,038; and
Mr. Wright, $247,304. For a discussion of valuation
assumptions, see Note 11 to our consolidated financial
statements included in our annual report on
Form 10-K
for the years ended December 31, 2009 and December 31,
2008, and Note 15 to our consolidated financial statements
included in our annual report on
Form 10-K/A
for the year ended December 31, 2007. |
(3) |
The amounts shown in the Option Awards column represent the
aggregate grant date fair value in the fiscal year related to
option awards to the named executive officers under the
Companys Long-Term Incentive Program, computed in
accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718. For a discussion of
valuation assumptions, see Note 11 to our consolidated
financial statements included in our annual report on
Form 10-K
for the years ended December 31, 2009 and December 31,
2008, and Note 15 to our consolidated financial statements
included in our annual report on
Form 10-K/A
for the year ended December 31, 2007. |
(4) |
The amounts shown in the Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation
column include the cash portion of the annual incentive awards
made to each of the named executive officers based on the
Compensation |
Committees evaluation of each officers performance
during the year. The amounts shown for a fiscal year include
cash amounts earned under the Companys Annual Incentive
Program for that year and paid in March of the following year. |
For 2009, all of the named executive officers had met their
stock ownership guidelines and elected to receive their 2009
annual incentive award 100% in cash. |
For 2008, all of the named executive officers had met their
stock ownership guidelines and were eligible to receive their
entire 2008 annual incentive award in cash. Named executive
officers are eligible to receive 20% incentive payments of
restricted stock for taking amounts they are entitled to receive
in cash in restricted stock in lieu of cash. Amounts shown
represent only the portion of the annual incentive awards that
was paid in cash as follows: Welch 0%, Barpoulis 50%, Sewell
50%, Van Namen 50%, Wright 50%. Mr. Welch took his entire
annual incentive award of $871,190 in restricted stock and
therefore received an incentive payment of $174,238 in
restricted stock. Messrs. Barpoulis, Sewell, Van Namen and
Wright took 50% of their annual incentive awards of $276,077,
$324,394, $279,104 and $251,875, respectively, in restricted
stock and therefore received incentive payments of $27,608,
$32,439, $27,910 and $25,187, respectively, in restricted stock.
Restricted stock granted to Messrs. Welch, Barpoulis,
Sewell, Van Namen and Wright for 2008 annual incentive awards
was granted in March 2009 and is shown in the Summary
Compensation Table under Stock Awards for 2008. Amounts for 2008
also include cash payouts made in March 2009 under the
2006 2008 Executive Incentive Plan for the
performance period March 1, 2006 through December 31,
2008 as follows: Mr. Welch, $371,853; Mr. Barpoulis,
$101,144; Mr. Sewell, $120,480; Mr. Van Namen,
$101,144; and Mr. Wright, $89,244. |
For 2007, Mr. Sewell and Mr. Van Namen had met their
stock ownership guidelines and were eligible to receive their
entire 2007 annual incentive awards of $384,147 and $340,947,
respectively, in cash. All other named executive officers were
eligible to receive 65% of their annual incentive awards in
cash. Amounts shown represent only the portion of the annual
incentive awards that was paid in cash as follows: Welch 0%,
Barpoulis 52%, Sewell 100%, Van Namen 100%, Wright 52%.
Mr. Welch took his entire annual incentive award of
$1,086,678 in restricted stock and therefore received an
incentive payment of $141,268 in restricted stock.
Messrs. Barpoulis and Wright took 48% of their annual
incentive awards of $323,523 and $289,744, respectively, in
restricted stock and therefore received incentive payments of
$8,409 and $7,524, respectively, in restricted stock. Restricted
stock granted to Messrs. Welch, Barpoulis, and Wright for
2007 annual incentive awards was granted in March 2008 and is
shown in the Summary Compensation Table under Stock Awards for
2007. Amounts for 2007 also include cash payouts made in 2007 to
the named executive officers for a terminated performance
program as follows: Mr. Welch, $65,025, Mr. Sewell,
$160,779, Mr. Van Namen, $132,919 and Mr. Wright,
$60,722. |
(5) |
The amounts shown in the Change in Pension Value and
Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation earnings column represent
the change in the actuarial present value of the named executive
officers accumulated benefits under the Employees
Retirement Plan of USEC Inc., the USEC Inc. Pension Restoration
Plan and the USEC Inc. 2006 Supplemental Executive Retirement
Plan (or, in the case of Mr. Sewell, the 1999 Supplemental
Executive Retirement Plan) at December 31, 2009, as
compared to December 31, 2008; at December 31, 2008,
as compared to December 31, 2007; and at December 31,
2007, as compared to December 31, 2006. None of our plans
provide for above-market earnings on deferred compensation
amounts, and as a result, the amounts reported here do not
reflect any such earnings. |
(6) |
The amounts shown in the All Other Compensation column for 2009
for Mr. Welch, Mr. Barpoulis, Mr. Van Namen and
Mr. Wright include Company matching contributions of $9,800
made under the USEC Savings Program. The amounts for
Mr. Welch, Mr. Van Namen and Mr. Wright for 2009
also include Company matching contributions of $27,208, $12,436,
and $10,230, respectively, made under the USEC Inc. Executive
Deferred Compensation Plan, as included in the Nonqualified
Deferred Compensation in Fiscal Year 2009 table. For
Mr. Welch and Mr. Barpoulis, the amount shown for 2009
also includes $23,945 and $10,521, respectively, for perquisites
and other personal benefits received in 2009. Perquisites and
other personal benefits for Mr. Welch for 2009 included:
financial counseling, club membership dues, and spouse travel
and related expenses. Perquisites and other personal benefits
for Mr. Barpoulis for 2009 included financial counseling
and an annual physical. No one perquisite for Mr. Welch or
Mr. Barpoulis exceeded the greater of $25,000 or 10% of the
total amount of these benefits for such executive. |
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards in Fiscal Year 2009
The following table sets forth information concerning each grant
of an award to a named executive officer in the year ended
December 31, 2009 under any plan.
Grant Date
Date of
Estimated Possible
Estimated Possible
or Base
Payouts Under
Payouts Under
Number of
Value of
Non-Equity Incentive
Equity Incentive
of Shares
Stock and
Plan Awards(1)
Plan Awards(2)
of Stock
(if different)
or Units
John K. Welch
John C. Barpoulis
Philip G. Sewell
Robert Van Namen
W. Lance Wright
(1) |
Amounts shown are estimated possible cash payouts under the
Companys 2009 Annual Incentive Program based on
performance against 2009 corporate and individual performance
goals at the threshold (0%), target (100%) and maximum (150%)
levels. As discussed in the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis Annual Incentive, the Compensation
Committee approved revised individual performance goals
effective August 1, 2009. Actual payouts under the 2009
Annual Incentive Program were approved by the Compensation
Committee in February 2010 and were 61% to 70% of target for
each of the named executive officers. The cash portion of these
payouts are shown in the Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation
column of the Summary Compensation Table. Under the Annual
Incentive Program annual incentives are paid in a combination of
cash and restricted stock. For 2009, all named executive
officers took 100% of their annual incentive awards in cash. |
(2) |
Amounts shown are estimated possible payouts under the
Companys 2009 Performance Plan for the period
January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009 based on
performance against a pre-determined performance goal relating
to ensuring sufficient liquidity for ongoing Company operations
and attracting capital to support the financing of the
Companys American Centrifuge Plant at the threshold (80%),
target (100%) and maximum (120%) levels. Awards were approved by
the Compensation Committee in February 2010 and were 80% of
target for each of the named executive officers. The actual
payouts are included in the Stock Awards column of the Summary
Compensation Table for 2009. |
(3) |
The value of the stock awards is based on the fair value of such
award on the grant date, computed in accordance with FASB ASC
Topic 718. |
(4) |
These annual incentive awards and long-term incentive awards
were granted by the Compensation Committee, effective as of a
later date following the release of the Companys audited
financial results. The long-term incentive award to
Mr. Welch was effective upon approval by the shareholders
of the 2009 Equity Incentive Plan. |
(5) |
Includes shares of restricted stock granted to the named
executive officers in 2009 under the Companys Annual
Incentive Program based on performance against corporate and
individual performance goals in 2008. These shares vested on
March 4, 2010. |
(6) |
Includes shares of restricted stock granted to the named
executive officers in 2009 under the Companys Long-Term
Incentive Program. These shares will vest ratably over three
years from the date of grant. |
(7) |
Includes non-qualified stock options granted to the named
executive officers in 2009 under the Companys Long-Term
Incentive Program. These options will vest ratably over three
years from the date of grant. |
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End December 31,
The following table sets forth information regarding unexercised
options, stock that has not vested, and outstanding equity
incentive plan awards as of the year ended December 31,
2009 for each of the named executive officers. Awards granted
prior to April 30, 2009 are governed by the USEC Inc. 1999
Equity Incentive Plan (the 1999 Plan) and awards
granted on or after April 30, 2009 are governed by the USEC
Inc. 2009 Equity Incentive Plan (the 2009 Plan). If
an executives employment is terminated by the Company
without cause or is terminated by reason of the executives
death, disability or retirement (normal retirement or unreduced
early retirement), or upon a change in control, all of the
executives shares of restricted stock and unvested stock
options granted under the 1999 Plan will become vested. If an
executives employment is terminated by the Company without
cause or is terminated by reason of the executives death,
disability or retirement, or is terminated by the Company
without cause or by the executive with good reason coincident
with or following a change in control, all of the
executives shares of restricted stock and unvested stock
options granted under the 2009 Plan will become vested. In
addition, if an executive becomes eligible for retirement, all
of the executives shares of restricted stock granted under
the 2009 Plan will become vested.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Number of
Value of
Shares or
Shares or
Units of
Units of
Stock That
Stock That
Have Not
Have Not
John K. Welch
John C. Barpoulis
Philip G. Sewell
Robert Van Namen
W. Lance Wright
(1) |
Shares of restricted stock vest as follows: 38,396 shares
with a vesting date of March 3, 2010; 341,513 shares
with a vesting date of March 4, 2010; 10,448 shares
with a vesting date of March 5, 2010; 38,396 shares
with a vesting date of March 3, 2011; 60,484 shares
with a vesting date of March 4, 2011; and
60,484 shares with a vesting date of March 4, 2012. |
(2) |
Stock options vest at the rate of
per year, with vesting dates of March 5, 2008,
March 5, 2009, and March 5, 2010. |
(3) |
Stock options vest at the rate of
per year, with vesting dates of March 3, 2009,
March 3, 2010, and March 3, 2011. |
(4) |
Stock options vest at the rate of
per year, with vesting dates of March 4, 2010,
March 4, 2011, and March 4, 2012. |
(5) |
Shares of restricted stock vest as follows: 13,652 shares
with a vesting date of March 3, 2010; 66,033 shares
with a vesting date of March 4, 2010; 3,084 shares
with a vesting date of March 5, 2010; 13,652 shares
with a vesting date of March 3, 2011; 21,505 shares
with a vesting date of March 4, 2011; and
21,506 shares with a vesting date of March 4, 2012. |
(6) |
Shares of restricted stock vest as follows: 10,435 shares
with a vesting date of March 3, 2010; 49,889 shares
with a vesting date of March 4, 2010; 2,436 shares
with a vesting date of March 5, 2010; 10,435 shares
with a vesting date of March 3, 2011; 16,248 shares
with a vesting date of March 4, 2011; and
16,248 shares with a vesting date of March 4, 2012. |
(7) |
Shares of restricted stock vest as follows: 13,993 shares
with a vesting date of March 3, 2010; 67,059 shares
with a vesting date of March 4, 2010; 3,269 shares
with a vesting date of March 5, 2010; 13,994 shares
with a vesting date of March 3, 2011; 22,043 shares
with a vesting date of March 4, 2011; and
22,043 shares with a vesting date of March 4, 2012. |
(8) |
Shares of restricted stock vest as follows: 8,419 shares
with a vesting date of March 3, 2010; 53,885 shares
with a vesting date of March 4, 2010; 2,820 shares
with a vesting date of March 5, 2010; 8,419 shares
with a vesting date of March 3, 2011; 13,262 shares
with a vesting date of March 4, 2011; and
13,262 shares with a vesting date of March 4, 2012. |
Exercises and Stock Vested in Fiscal Year 2009
The following table sets forth information regarding each
exercise of stock options and each vesting of restricted stock
during the year ended December 31, 2009 for each of the
named executive officers.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Value Realized on
Number of Shares
Value Realized on
Acquired on Exercise
Acquired on Vesting
John K. Welch
John C. Barpoulis
Philip G. Sewell
Robert Van Namen
W. Lance Wright
(1) |
Amounts reflect the closing market price of the stock on the day
the stock vested. |
Benefits in Fiscal Year 2009
We maintain the Employees Retirement Plan of USEC Inc., a
tax-qualified defined benefit plan that provides retirement
benefits to eligible employees. Section 415 and
Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code generally
place a limit on the amount of annual pension that can be paid
from a tax-qualified plan as well as on the amount of annual
earnings that can be used to calculate a pension benefit.
However, we maintain the USEC Inc. Pension Restoration Plan that
pays eligible employees the difference between the amount
payable under the tax-qualified plan and the amount they would
have received without the qualified plans limits. We also
maintain two supplemental executive retirement plans (each, a
SERP) in order to provide additional retirement
benefits to executives to be competitive with the market.
Mr. Welch, Mr. Barpoulis, Mr. Van Namen, and
Mr. Wright participate in the USEC Inc. 2006 Supplemental
Executive Retirement Plan (the 2006 SERP) and
Mr. Sewell is the sole active participant in the USEC Inc.
1999 Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (the 1999
SERP). The USEC Inc. Pension Restoration Plan and the
SERPs are unfunded and are subject to forfeiture in the event of
The following table shows the present value of benefits that the
named executive officers are entitled to under the
Employees Retirement Plan of USEC Inc. (the
Retirement Plan), the USEC Inc. Pension Restoration
Plan (the Pension Restoration Plan), and the
applicable SERP. Mr. Welch and Mr. Barpoulis were not
vested in the Retirement Plan, the Pension Restoration Plan, or
the 2006 SERP as of December 31, 2009, however, they would
be entitled to a minimum benefit under the 2006 SERP in the case
of a change in control or death or disability as shown in the
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control table.
Present Value of
Number of Years of
Payments During
Plan Name
Credited Service
Last Fiscal Year
John K. Welch
Retirement Plan
4 yrs., 2 mos.
Pension Restoration Plan
4 yrs., 2 mos.
2006 SERP
4 yrs., 2 mos.
John C. Barpoulis
Retirement Plan
4 yrs., 9 mos.
Pension Restoration Plan
4 yrs., 9 mos.
2006 SERP
4 yrs., 9 mos.
Philip G. Sewell
Retirement Plan
8 yrs., 8 mos.
Pension Restoration Plan
8 yrs., 8 mos.
1999 SERP
8 yrs., 8 mos.
Robert Van Namen
Retirement Plan
11 yrs.
Pension Restoration Plan
11 yrs.
2006 SERP
11 yrs.
W. Lance Wright
Retirement Plan
6 yrs., 4 mos.
Pension Restoration Plan
6 yrs., 4 mos.
2006 SERP
6 yrs., 4 mos.
(1) |
In determining the present value of each participants
pension benefit, a 5.84% discount rate is assumed. An assumed
interest rate of 6.24% is used in converting Pension Restoration
Plan, 2006 SERP and 1999 SERP annuities into lump sums. The lump
sum interest rate is determined at the time of benefit
commencement and reflects the un-annualized Moodys Aa
index bond yield plus 75 basis points. For purposes |
of this table, the calculation assumes retirement at the
earliest age at which unreduced benefits could be paid,
including projected future service for eligibility purposes only. |
The Retirement Plan and Pension Restoration Plan benefits shown
in the table above are net present values. All named executive
officers have elected a lump sum form of payment under the
Pension Restoration Plan for benefits earned and vested after
2004. Pension Restoration Plan benefits earned prior to 2005 are
payable as an annuity. As of December 31, 2009, benefits
under the Retirement Plan are not payable as a lump sum (except
that under the terms of the plan, Mr. Van Namen is eligible
to receive a lump sum for any benefit accrued prior to 2001).
The normal form of payment under the Retirement Plan is a single
life annuity or a 50% joint and survivor annuity. Retirement
benefits are calculated under the following three formulas, with
the formula that gives the participant the largest benefit used
for the final calculation:
Regular Formula: The monthly benefit under the
Regular Formula is calculated as 1.2% of final
average monthly compensation (base salary plus annual bonus)
times years and months of credited service plus $110. There are
no offsets to this benefit.
Alternate Formula: The monthly benefit under
the Alternate Formula is calculated as 1.5% of final
average monthly compensation (base salary plus annual bonus)
times years and months of credited service minus 1.5% times
actual or projected monthly primary Social Security benefit
times years and months of credited service up to
331/3 years
(up to a maximum of 50% of the actual or projected monthly
Social Security benefit).
Minimum Formula: The monthly benefit under the
Minimum Formula is calculated as $5 multiplied by
the first ten years and months of credited service, plus $7
multiplied by the next ten years and months of credited service,
plus $9 times the years and months of credited service in excess
of 20 years, plus 10% (less 1% per year of credited service
less than 8) of the final average monthly compensation as
calculated under the Regular Formula plus $110. There are no
offsets to this benefit.
An employees final average monthly compensation includes
base salary plus annual incentive compensation, including cash
and restricted stock, and does not include the value of any
award under the Companys Long-Term Incentive Program.
Pension plan benefits are determined, in part, using the
employees actual age and credited service. The normal
retirement age under the Retirement Plan and Pension Restoration
Plan is 65. An employee is eligible for early retirement without
any reduction in benefits (1) if the employee has completed
at least 10 years of service and has attained the age of
62; or (2) if the sum of the employees age and years
of service equals 85 or greater. In addition, an employee is
eligible for early retirement after completing 10 years of
credited service and attaining the age of 50, with benefits
reduced based on employee age and credited service, per the
plans reduction factor schedule. As of December 31,
2009, Mr. Sewell was eligible for early unreduced
retirement. He was the only named executive officer eligible for
normal or early retirement under the Retirement Plan and Pension
Restoration Plan. As a practice, the Company generally does not
provide additional years of age or service (except under the
change in control agreements, which grant additional service)
and no named executive officer has been credited with additional
years of age or service for purposes of computing a retirement
benefit, under the Retirement Plan or the Pension Restoration
The 1999 SERP provides Mr. Sewell with an annual benefit in
the form of a monthly annuity equal to 55% of final average
compensation, with offsets for (1) any benefits received
under the Companys other retirement programs and any
U.S. federal governmental retirement program to which the
Company has contributed on the participants behalf; and
(2) Social Security benefits should the participant be
eligible for such benefit. Mr. Sewell elected to receive a
lump sum that is the actuarial equivalent of the above-described
annuity for benefits earned and vested after 2004. Final average
compensation for this purpose includes base salary and annual
incentive compensation, including cash and restricted stock,
earned for the three years preceding the participants date
of termination, divided by three. As of December 31, 2009,
Mr. Sewell was eligible for normal retirement under the
1999 SERP.
Participants in the 2006 SERP will generally accrue a monthly
supplemental retirement benefit equal to 2.5% of their final
average compensation for each year of service, to a maximum
benefit equal to 50% of the final average compensation after
20 years of service. For Mr. Welch, no supplemental
retirement benefit is
accrued until five years of service, at which point
Mr. Welchs benefit is equal to 30% of final average
compensation. With seven years of service, this benefit
increases to 40% of final average compensation and with ten or
more years of service increases to 50% of final average
compensation. Final average compensation under the 2006 SERP
includes salary and annual incentive compensation, including
cash and restricted stock, paid (or vested, in the case of
restricted stock) for the three years preceding the
participants date of termination. The normal retirement
age under the 2006 SERP is 62. Benefits are reduced by 6% (3%
for Mr. Welch) for each year the executive commences
payment of benefits prior to age 62. Monthly benefits
payable under the 2006 SERP to a participant are offset by the
amount the participant is eligible to receive under the
Companys other retirement plans and Social Security.
Participants are generally vested in their benefits under the
2006 SERP after five years of service, although vesting will be
accelerated in the event of the participants death or
termination of employment as a result of disability or in the
event of a change in control of the Company. A minimum monthly
supplemental retirement benefit equal to 10% (20% for
Mr. Welch) of final average compensation applies where
vesting is so accelerated.
Benefits under the 2006 SERP are generally payable to a
participant in the form of a lump sum (or an annuity at the
election of the participant within the first 30 days of
participation) when the participant terminates, but no earlier
than age 55 (age 60 for Mr. Welch), except in the
case of disability or death. All named executive officers
participating in the 2006 SERP have elected a lump sum. Where a
participant is terminated for cause (as defined in the 2006
SERP) or where a participant violates certain restrictive
covenants, the participants benefits will be forfeited
whether or not then vested and subject to repayment to the
Company to the extent already paid to the participant. As of
December 31, 2009, Mr. Wright was eligible for normal
retirement under the 2006 SERP.
Deferred Compensation in Fiscal Year 2009
As described more fully in Compensation Discussion and
Analysis Indirect Compensation
Retirement Plans, named executive officers have the
opportunity to participate in the USEC Inc. Executive Deferred
Compensation Plan (the Deferred Compensation Plan).
Participants in the Deferred Compensation Plan may elect to
defer up to a maximum of 90% and a minimum of 5% of base salary
and a maximum of 100% and a minimum of 5% of cash bonus amounts
received through the Companys incentive compensation
programs. The Company matches participant contributions under
the Deferred Compensation Plan at the rate that would apply if
they had been contributed to the USEC Savings Program without
regard for any statutory limitations, reduced by amounts
contributed to the USEC Savings Program. A participant may
receive a distribution from the Deferred Compensation Plan upon
a qualifying distribution event such as a separation from
service, disability, death, or in-service distribution on a
specified date, change in control or an unforeseeable emergency
all as defined in the plan. Deferred Compensation Plan accounts
are deemed to be invested in a number of mutual funds made
available for designation by the participant.
in Last FY(1)
in Last FY(2)
in Last FY(3)
at Last FYE(4)
John K. Welch
John C. Barpoulis
Philip G. Sewell
Robert Van Namen
W. Lance Wright
(1) |
Amount represents executives contributions to the Deferred
Compensation Plan. These amounts are also included in the
Summary Compensation Table in the Salary column. |
(2) |
Amount represents the Companys contributions to the
Deferred Compensation Plan. These amounts are also included in
the Summary Compensation Table in the All Other Compensation
column. |
(3) |
Amount represents earnings on the Deferred Compensation Plan
during 2009. |
(4) |
Amount represents the aggregate balance for the named executive
officers as of December 31, 2009 under the Deferred
Compensation Plan. Includes the executives contributions
to the Deferred Compensation Plan (formerly the USEC Inc. 401(k)
Restoration Plan) previously reported as compensation to the
named executive officers in the Summary Compensation Table in
the Salary column in previous years, including as follows:
Mr. Welch $90,000 in 2008, $34,081 in 2007; Mr. Van
Namen $37,547 in 2008, $15,866 in 2007; and Mr. Wright
$52,067 in 2008, $9,222 in 2007. Amount includes the
Companys contributions to the Deferred Compensation Plan
(formerly the USEC Inc. 401(k) Restoration Plan) previously
reported as compensation in the Summary Compensation Table in
the All Other Compensation column in previous years, including
as follows: Mr. Welch $26,800 in 2008, $26,892 in 2007;
Mr. Van Namen $20,838 in 2008, $17,466 in 2007; and
Mr. Wright $11,627 in 2008, $10,890 in 2007. |
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
The table below shows potential payments to our named executive
officers under existing agreements, plans or arrangements for
various scenarios involving a termination of employment or a
change in control of the Company. The table assumes a
December 31, 2009 change in control and termination date
and is based on the named executive officers compensation
and service levels as of that date. Where applicable, the table
uses the closing price of our common stock of $3.85 as reported
on the New York Stock Exchange as of December 31, 2009. The
benefits in the table below are in addition to certain benefits
available generally to salaried employees, such as accrued
salary and vacation pay and distributions of plan balances under
the USEC Savings Program.
Due to the number of factors that affect the nature and amounts
of any benefits provided upon the events discussed below, any
actual amounts paid or distributed may be different. Factors
that could affect these amounts include the timing during the
year of any such event, the Companys stock price and the
executives age.
Made Upon Termination
Under the USEC Inc. Executive Severance Plan, if an executive
officer is terminated by the Company without cause, he is
eligible to receive the following:
his current base salary and a prorated share of his current
annual incentive (payable at the end of the performance period
based on actual performance) up to the date of termination;
a lump sum cash severance equal to one years base salary
at his current rate and an amount equal to his final average
bonus (generally the average of his last three years
annual incentive awards, both cash and restricted
stock); and
continuation of medical and dental coverage as well as life
insurance paid for by the Company for one year after termination
(or until he receives similar coverage from a subsequent
employer, whichever occurs first) and outplacement assistance
Severance benefits are contingent upon the executive executing a
release and agreeing to comply with certain restrictive
covenants relating to non-competition and non-solicitation of
Company employees for a period of one year following his
termination of employment. No severance is paid to an employee
who is terminated for cause or who resigns voluntarily.
Made Upon a Change in Control
The Company has entered into change in control agreements with
each of the named executive officers. The change in control
agreements provide each named executive officer with the
following benefits (in lieu of any severance benefits under the
Executive Severance Plan described above) if there is a change
in control of the Company and within a protected period
beginning three months before and ending three years after that
change in control (the protected period), the
Company terminates the executives employment without cause
or the executive terminates his employment for good
reason (as defined in the agreement):
a cash lump sum payment of his unpaid base salary through the
date of termination, plus all other amounts to which he was
entitled under any of the Companys compensation or benefit
plans under the terms of such plans;
a cash lump sum payment equal to 2.5 times the sum of the
executives final annual base salary and his final average
bonus. The executives final average bonus is generally the
average of the three most recent annual incentive bonuses paid
to the executive prior to the date of termination (whether paid
in the form of cash or in grants of restricted stock);
continuation of life, accident and health insurance benefits for
2.5 years following the change in control, or, if sooner,
until he is covered by comparable programs of a subsequent
two and one-half additional years of service for purposes of
vesting, eligibility and benefit accrual under the
Companys SERPs; and
if the executive receives payments that would subject him to any
federal excise tax due under Section 4999 of the Internal
Revenue Code, he would also receive a cash payment equal to the
amount of such excise tax. The calculation of the 280G
amount in the tables below is based upon a 280G excise tax rate
of 20% and a 35% income tax rate.
In order to receive these benefits, the executive must comply
with the non-competition, non-solicitation and confidentiality
provisions of the change in control agreement during the term of
the agreement and for a period thereafter. For purposes of the
280G calculation we have not assumed that any amounts will be
discounted as attributable to reasonable compensation or that
any value will be attributed to executives being bound by
the agreements regarding non-competition, non-solicitation and
confidentiality contained in their change in control agreements,
because these amounts are too subject to the facts and
circumstances in place at the time of payment to be capable of
Awards granted prior to April 30, 2009 are governed by the
USEC Inc. 1999 Equity Incentive Plan (the 1999 Plan)
and awards granted on or after April 30, 2009 are governed
by the USEC Inc. 2009 Equity Incentive Plan (the 2009
Plan). If an executives employment is terminated by
the Company without cause or is terminated by reason of the
executives death, disability or retirement (normal
retirement or unreduced early retirement), or upon a change in
control, all of the executives shares of restricted stock
and unvested stock options granted under the 1999 Plan will
become vested. If an executives employment is terminated
by the Company without cause or is terminated by reason of the
executives death, disability or retirement, or is
terminated by the Company without cause or by the executive with
good reason coincident with or following a change in control,
all of the executives shares of restricted stock and
unvested stock options granted under the 2009 Plan will become
vested. In addition, if an executive becomes eligible for
retirement, all of the executives shares of restricted
stock granted under the 2009 Plan will become vested.
If the executives employment is terminated for cause or if
the executive voluntarily terminates employment (other than by
retirement), all of the executives restricted stock and
unvested stock options will be cancelled and forfeited.
The table below includes the intrinsic value (that is, the value
based on the closing price of the Companys stock of $3.85
as reported on the New York Stock Exchange as of
December 31, 2009 and, in the case of options, less the
exercise price) of stock options and restricted stock that would
become exercisable or vested if the named executive officer
terminated employment as of December 31, 2009. As of
December 31, 2009, all unvested stock options held by the
named executive officers had exercise prices that were greater
than the closing price of our common stock of $3.85 as reported
on the New York Stock Exchange as of December 31, 2009.
The Pension Benefits in Fiscal Year 2009 table describes the
general terms of each retirement plan in which the named
executive officers participate, the years of credited service
and the present value of each named executive officers
accumulated pension benefit. The table below includes the
present value of benefits under the Employees Retirement Plan of
USEC Inc. (the Retirement Plan), the USEC Inc.
Pension Restoration Plan (the Pension Restoration
Plan), the USEC Inc. 1999 Supplemental Executive
Retirement Plan (the 1999 SERP), and the USEC Inc.
2006 Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (the 2006
SERP) that would have become payable if the named
executive officer had terminated employment as of
December 31, 2009.
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
or Good
Executive Benefits
and Payments
Not for Cause
For Cause
Death or
Upon Termination
in Control)
John K. Welch
Severance Payments(2)
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Retirement Plan(3)
Pension Restoration Plan(3)
2006 SERP(4)
280G Tax
Continuing Benefits(5)
John C. Barpoulis
Severance Payments(2)
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Retirement Plan(3)
Pension Restoration Plan(3)
2006 SERP(4)
280G Tax
Continuing Benefits(5)
Philip G. Sewell
Severance Payments(2)
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Retirement Plan(3)
Pension Restoration Plan(3)
1999 SERP(6)
280G Tax
Continuing Benefits(5)
or Good
Executive Benefits
and Payments
Not for Cause
For Cause
Death or
Upon Termination
in Control)
Robert Van Namen
Severance Payments(2)
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Retirement Plan(3)
Pension Restoration Plan(3)
2006 SERP(4)
280G Tax
Continuing Benefits(5)
W. Lance Wright
Severance Payments(2)
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Retirement Plan(3)
Pension Restoration Plan(3)
2006 SERP(4)
280G Tax
Continuing Benefits(5)
(1) |
As of December 31, 2009, Mr. Sewell is eligible for
normal retirement in the 1999 SERP and early retirement in the
Retirement Plan and the Pension Restoration Plan. Because of his
years of services, Mr. Sewell would have been eligible to
commence an immediate unreduced retirement benefit if he had
retired as of December 31, 2009. As of December 31,
2009, Mr. Wright is eligible for normal retirement under
the 2006 SERP. No other named executive officer is eligible for
an early or normal retirement under any of the Companys
retirement programs as of December 31, 2009. |
(2) |
In calculating the Severance Payment payable upon involuntary
not for cause termination under the USEC Inc. Executive
Severance Plan, the final average bonuses for the named
executive officers includes each executives 2009 target
annual incentive bonus because annual incentive bonuses for 2009
had not been determined as of December 31, 2009. |
In calculating the Severance Payment under the executives
change in control agreements, the final average bonuses for the
named executive officers were based on the average of any
bonuses paid in 2008, 2007 and 2006. |
(3) |
Only Mr. Sewell, Mr. Van Namen and Mr. Wright are
vested under the Retirement Plan and the Pension Restoration
Plan as of December 31, 2009. Mr. Sewell (age 63
as of December 31, 2009) is eligible for early
retirement and would commence an immediate unreduced benefit
upon termination. Mr. Van Namen (age 48 as of
December 31, 2009) is not yet eligible for retirement
but is eligible for immediate commencement of benefits accrued
prior to 2001, payable as a lump sum. Mr. Van Namen will be
eligible to commence a reduced pension for benefits accrued
after 2000 at age 50. Mr. Wright (age 62 as of
December 31, 2009) is not yet eligible for retirement
but is eligible to commence an immediate, reduced benefit.
Pension Restoration Plan benefits earned and vested after
December 31, 2004 will be paid as a lump sum. Amounts shown
are the actuarial present value of annuity payments and lump
sums, as applicable. The present value of accumulated benefits
is calculated using the assumptions under FASB ASC Topic
715-30 as
shown in Note 10 to our consolidated financial statements
included in our annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009. In the case of
disability, each of the executives would continue to accrue
service during periods of disability rather than commence a
retirement benefit. |
(4) |
Mr. Van Namen and Mr. Wright are the only named
executive officers vested under the 2006 SERP. Mr. Welch
and Mr. Barpoulis are only vested under the 2006 SERP in
the case of a change in control or death or disability. Accrued
SERP benefits are forfeited upon a termination for cause.
Mr. Barpoulis (in the case of a change in control) and
Mr. Van Namen are ineligible to commence payment so their
amounts represent the present value of an age 55 lump sum
payment. Mr. Welch (in the case of a change in control) and
Mr. Wright are eligible for immediate lump sum benefits.
Lump sum death benefits are payable immediately. The 2006 SERP
provides for a minimum benefit objective of 10% of final average
pay (20% in the case of Mr. Welch) in the case of a change
in control or death or disability. Amounts for all executives
represent the present value of accrued benefits payable in lump
sum form. The present value of accumulated benefits is
calculated using the assumptions under FASB ASC Topic
715-30 as
shown in Note 10 to our consolidated financial statements
included in our annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009. |
(5) |
Includes (a) the cost of continuation of medical, dental
and life insurance benefits for a period of one year following
termination of employment in the case of an involuntary not for
cause termination; and (b) the cost of continuation of
medical, dental, life insurance and disability benefits for a
period of 2.5 years following termination of employment in
the case of a change in control. Amounts vary by executive based
on their specific benefit elections. |
(6) |
Mr. Sewell is the only named executive officer with
benefits under the 1999 SERP. Mr. Sewell is eligible to
commence an immediate, unreduced benefit upon termination.
Benefits accrued prior to 2005 are payable in the form of an
annuity and post-2004 benefits are payable as the lump sum
equivalent of such annuity. Accrued 1999 SERP benefits are
forfeited upon a termination for cause. The amount shown is the
actuarial present value of life annuity and lump sum payments.
Death benefits are 50% of Mr. Sewells pre-2005
accrued benefit and 100% of his post-2004 accrued benefit, with
survivor benefits payable as an annuity. The present value of
accumulated benefits is calculated using the assumptions under
715-30 as
shown in Note 10 to our consolidated financial statements
included in our annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009. |
(7) |
In the case of death, Mr. Sewells, Mr. Van
Namens and Mr. Wrights beneficiaries would be
entitled to survivor annuity benefits under the Retirement Plan
and the Pension Restoration Plan and would be eligible to
commence survivor benefits immediately. Mr. Sewells
survivor benefit is 50% of the amount Mr. Sewell would
receive in the form of a single life annuity. Mr. Van
Namens survivors benefit is 50% of the amount
Mr. Van Namen would receive in the form of a single life
annuity and is reduced for early commencement, subject to a
minimum survivor benefit of 25%. Mr. Wrights
survivors benefit is the 50% survivor portion of a joint
and survivor annuity and is reduced for early commencement.
Benefits accrued and vested after December 31, 2004 in the
Pension Restoration Plan are payable as a lump sum. In the case
of disability, each of the executives would continue to accrue
service during periods of disability rather than commence a
retirement benefit. |
(8) |
Change in control agreements provide for an additional
2.5 years of service for vesting, eligibility and benefit
accrual for the executives retirement benefits. This is
provided through the executives SERP benefit and
accordingly, amount reflects gross benefit with 2.5 year
service enhancement, less vested accrued benefits under the
Retirement Plan and the Pension Restoration Plan. |
The Audit and Finance Committee of the Company has appointed the
firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to serve as the independent
auditors of the Company for 2010, subject to ratification of
this appointment by the shareholders of the Company. One or more
representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will be present at
the Annual Meeting and will have an opportunity to make a
statement if he desires to do so. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
representatives will also be available to respond to appropriate
The Audit and Finance Committee has sole authority for
appointing and terminating USECs independent auditors for
2010. Accordingly, shareholder approval is not required to
appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as USECs independent
auditors for 2010. The Audit and Finance Committee believes,
however, that submitting the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to the shareholders for ratification
is a matter of good corporate governance. If the shareholders do
not ratify the appointment, the Audit and Finance Committee will
review its future selection of the Companys independent
The ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP as USECs independent auditors requires the affirmative
vote of a majority of the shares present at the meeting in
person or by proxy and entitled to vote.
The Board recommends voting FOR ratification of the
appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as USECs
independent auditors.
Audit and
Non-Audit Fees
The Audit and Finance Committee pre-approves all audit and
non-audit services provided by the independent auditors prior to
the engagement of the independent auditors with respect to such
services. The Audit and Finance Committee has delegated
pre-approval authority to the Chairman of the Audit and Finance
Committee, who presents any decisions to the full Audit and
Finance Committee at its next scheduled meeting. The following
amounts were billed to the Company by the independent auditors
for services rendered for the periods indicated:
Amount Billed
Amount Billed
For Year Ended
For Year Ended
Type of Fee
December 31, 2009
December 31, 2008
(In thousands)
(In thousands)
Audit Fees(1)
Audit-Related Fees(2)
Tax Fees(3)
All Other Fees(4)
(1) |
Primarily audits of the financial statements for both periods
including internal control testing over financial reporting and
reviews of quarterly financial statements for both periods. |
(2) |
Compliance report for revolving credit facility. |
(3) |
Primarily services related to selected tax projects and IRS
audit assistance for both periods. |
(4) |
Service fee for access to electronic publication. |
The Audit and Finance Committee of the Board of Directors is
comprised of four independent directors and operates under a
written charter. The Committee meets with the internal and
independent auditors, with and without management present, to
facilitate and encourage private communication.
In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Committee has reviewed
and discussed with management and the independent auditors the
Companys audited consolidated financial statements for the
year ended December 31, 2009.
The Committee has discussed with the independent auditors the
matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 61, as amended (AICPA, Professional
Standards, Vol. 1. AU Section 380), as adopted by the
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in Rule 3200T. In
addition, the Committee has received the written disclosures and
the letter from the independent accountant required by
applicable requirements of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board regarding the independent accountants
communications with the Committee concerning independence, and
has discussed with the independent accountant the independent
accountants independence.
The Committee considered and concluded that the provision of
non-audit services by the independent auditors was compatible
with maintaining their independence.
In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above,
the Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the
audited consolidated financial statements referred to above be
included in the Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009.
Audit and Finance Committee
Joseph T. Doyle, Chairman
Michael H. Armacost
W. Henson Moore
Joseph F. Paquette, Jr.
In accordance with SEC rules, notwithstanding anything to the
contrary set forth in any of the Companys previous or
future filings under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that might
incorporate this proxy statement or future filings made by the
Company under those statutes, the information included under the
captions Compensation Committee Report, and
Audit and Finance Committee Report shall not be
deemed soliciting material or to be
filed with the SEC and shall not be deemed
incorporated by reference into any of those prior filings or
into any future filings made by the Company under those
statutes, except to the extent that the Company specifically
incorporates these items by reference.
Date for
Submission of Shareholder Proposals
Under the SEC rules, in order to be considered for inclusion in
USECs proxy statement for the 2011 annual meeting of
shareholders, proposals from shareholders must be received by
the Secretary of the Company at Two Democracy Center, 6903
Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, Maryland 20817 not later than
November 19, 2010.
Our bylaws contain an advance notice provision regarding
shareholder proposals that are not sought to be included in the
Companys proxy statement, which provides that, to be
timely, a shareholders notice of intention to bring
business before a meeting must be delivered to the
Companys Secretary, at the Companys principal
executive office, not less than 90 days nor more than
120 days prior to the anniversary date of the previous
years annual meeting, unless the date of the next annual
meeting is more than 30 days before or more than
60 days after such anniversary date, in which case notice
must be received not later than the tenth day following the day
on which notice of the meeting is mailed or public disclosure of
the date of the annual meeting is made. Accordingly, shareholder
nominations for director or other proposed items of business
intended to be brought before the next annual meeting of
shareholders must be received by the Company between
December 30, 2010 and January 29, 2011 in order to be
considered timely, unless the Company gives notice that the date
of the annual meeting is more than 30 days before, or more
than 60 days after, April 29, 2011. Any proposals
received outside of that period will not be permitted to be
raised at the meeting.
As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Board of Directors
does not know of any matters to be presented at the 2010 Annual
Meeting other than those specifically set forth above. If other
matters should properly come before the Annual Meeting or any
adjournment thereof, including shareholder proposals that have
been excluded pursuant to
Rule 14a-8
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the persons named as
proxies in the enclosed proxy card intend to vote the shares
represented by them in accordance with their best judgment with
respect to such matters.
By order of the Board of Directors,
Peter B. Saba
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Bethesda, Maryland
March 18, 2010
We encourage you to take advantage of Internet or telephone voting.
Both are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Proxies submitted by the internet or telephone must be received by 10:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight
Time, on April 29, 2010
Use the Internet to vote your proxy.
Have your proxy card in hand when you
access the web site.
Use any touch-tone telephone to vote
your proxy. Have your proxy card in
hand when you call.
If you vote your proxy by Internet or by telephone,
you do NOT need to mail back your proxy card.
To vote by mail, mark, sign and date your proxy card
and return it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.
Your Internet or telephone vote authorizes the named
proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if
you marked, signed and returned your proxy card.
Please mark your votes as
indicated in this example
x |
The Board
of Directors recommends a vote FOR each of the listed nominees and FOR Proposal 2.
1. Election of Directors: |
01 James R. Mellor
06 John R. Hall
2. |
To ratify the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
as USECs independent
auditors for 2010.
o |
02 Michael H. Armacost
07 William J. Madia
o |
03 Joyce F. Brown
08 W. Henson Moore
o |
04 Joseph T. Doyle
09 John K. Welch
o |
05 H. William Habermeyer
o |
Mark Here for
Address Change or
o |
Please sign exactly as name(s) appears hereon. Joint owners should each sign. When signing as
attorney, executor, administrator, corporate officer, trustee, guardian, or custodian, please give
full title.
Choose MLinkSM for fast, easy and secure 24/7 online
access to your future proxy materials, investment plan statements, tax
documents and more. Simply log on to Investor ServiceDirect®
at where step-by-step
instructions will prompt you through enrollment.
James R. Mellor, John K. Welch and Peter B. Saba, or any of them, each with full power of
substitution, are hereby authorized to vote the undersigneds shares of common stock, par value
$0.10 per share, of USEC Inc. (USEC) at the 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of USEC,
scheduled to be held on Thursday, April 29, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., local time, at the Marriott
Bethesda North Hotel & Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda, Maryland, and at any
and all adjournments, postponements, continuations or reschedulings thereof (the Annual Meeting),
upon the matters set forth in the Proxy Statement furnished by USEC (the Proxy Statement) and
upon such other matters as may properly come before the Annual Meeting, voting as specified on this
card with respect to the matters set forth in the Proxy Statement, and voting in the discretion of
the above-named persons on such other matters as may properly come before the Annual Meeting.
The undersigned hereby revokes all proxies previously given by the undersigned to vote at the
Annual Meeting.
Address Change/Comments
(Mark the corresponding box on the reverse side)
P.O. BOX 3550